Tuesday, October 11, 2011

To ALL Of My Friends Out There!!! DO NOT GIVE IN TO THIS B.S!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Was Furious When I Read This!!!!!

10,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets to Japan

If you’ve ever wanted to visit Japan, this may be your chance.

In a desperate attempt to lure tourists back to a country plagued by radiation fears and constant earthquakes, the Japan Tourism Agency‘s proposed an unprecedented campaign – 10,000 free roundtrip tickets.

The catch is, you need to publicize your trip on blogs and social media sites.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan has dropped drastically, since a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Power plant in March. Nearly 20,000 people have been confirmed dead, while more than 80,000 remain displaced because of radiation concerns. In the first three months following the triple disasters, the number of foreign visitors to Japan was cut in half, compared with the same time in 2010. The strong Japanese currency has made matters worse.

The tourism agency says it plans to open a website to solicit applicants interested in the free tickets. Would- be visitors will have to detail in writing their travel plans in Japan, and explain what they hope to get out of the trip. Successful applicants would pay for their own accommodation and meals. They would also be required to write a review their travel experiences, and post it online.

“We are hoping to get highly influential blogger-types, and others who can spread the word that Japan is a safe place to visit,” said Kazuyoshi Sato, with the agency.

The agency has requested more than a billion yen to pay for the tourism blitz. If lawmakers approve the funding, Sato says visitors could begin signing up as early as next April.

I would have left an even nastier comment than this one if stupid worthless yahoo wouldn't censor everything I say almost cause I'm such a smartmouth esp. when it comes to stuff like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u don't need ta know sweetheart!!
"lol OMG, free airfare to Japan!?!? wtf is that all about!?!?! hell, i wouldn't even get on the plane if someone was to lead me by the hand and let me set in FIRST CLASSSS!!!!!!!!! You have got to be one pathetic loser idiot to wanna go over to Japan if the radiation is totally out of control now because of the earthquakes they had there...i will NEVER go back to Japan after living there 4 years it's nothing but solid hell on earth with protests going on all the time, and everyone is always angry and yelling like you are in a 3rd world country or something....Japan is the most miserable country you could ever imagine going to...I would rather go and help orphans and homeless people for an entire year than going to visit Japan even if it was for free...I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy better things to do with my life than to waste my time with that place ever again!! let's start the "thumbs down" and bad comments coming in cause I know that's exactly what i'm gonna get...lol you all go live there for the next 10 years without coming back to the United States ONCE, and then just see if you have the same attitude about going back to Japan...You won't even want it in your vocubulary then....horrible idea to even play on about wanting to go there!!!!!!!!!!"

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