Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Students Totally Crack Me Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just found this from one of my students that I had back in Okinawa complaining about some guy and his breath....I still can not stop laughing....She was a pre-teen whenever I was still living there, so she's finally discovering what I have already discovered years ago about these gross-ass guys...lol I had all ages though, but OMG, they all say the funniest things..and the older they get the funnier it seems to be because it involves not being able to stand the sicko guys who don't believe in hygiene or something.... :D "Dude, So i was at school todaii and this dude walked up to me he was Ugly as____ and the bad part is his breath STUNK... i was like No No NO get away from me with all that funk... Just ruin my morning, Lol my freind said Trinity u is so _____ rude... I was like u knoe his breath was kickin she said Kickin like jackie chan. i was like worse. We was rollin " :) Me:lol oh you make me laugh so hard trinity in a good way...lol ohh just wait until you get a little older the gross annoying guys like that don't go away...lol (hugs) :) Her: But it really Stunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me:lol leave a toothbrush and toothpaste on his locker before you all let out for christmas break.... :D Her:lol ill think about it Me: lol just don't let anyone see you do it though... :D So I'm not the only one who can't stand that grossness from these random guys that just come up and start talking junk or not talking at all but just are plain annoying....Oh wow, I still can't stop laughing about that...I really wish I could have seen that..I do believe my knees would have given out completely I would have been laughing sooo hard cause that is EXACTLY what I went through, and still am, and I never could stand a one of them and still can't....oh how sweet it is though to see it repeat itself and get to see others complain about it... :D LOVE IT THOUGH...I wouldn't give it up for anything the comments from them are totally priceless....... here's a scene from the show "F.R.I.E.N.D.S." that I absolutely can not stop thinking about....I know the entire 10 seasons every single episode by heart, but sometimes, certain scenes just pop into my mind and I can't stop laughing about them cause that is exactly how I act to the T and I have never even met the the producers....I'll tell it first then look for a clip on here if my youtube thing decides to cooperate with me..... Not sure which season this is from but Chandler is looking for a new roommate...He interviews several guys, and finally finds one and agree for him to move in the next day....This psycho guy shows up, and just lets himself in the apt. whenever this new guy arrives, he said he was Chandler's new roommate, and the psycho-guy, Eddie, says "no I'm Chandler's new roommate!!!" and the other guy is just left standing there, and gets the door slammed in his face....So this guy Eddie is completely psychotic, hydrating fruit, and then things around the house to see what they would look like after they are dried out etc...etc...His ex-girlfriend comes over to the new apt. to drop off a fishtank and some other stuff, and Chandler is the one who answers the door and gets it. Then she turns around to leave and Eddie shows up, and says "you slept with her didn't you???" Chandler says that she just came by to drop off the fish tank and then left. "Well where's BUDDY!?!?" This apparently was a fish, that she didn't want to mess with, and obviously flushed him down the toilet and just brought over the fish tank...Chandler asks, "Buddy, who's Buddy?? Eddie is still arguing about this whole thing, saying "first you sleep with my girlfriend, and then you kill my fish!!!!" Chandler leaves again to go and complain to everyone else about this guy and to cool off, still thinking the other guy he agreed to be his roommate never showed up when he actually did. There's a lot more "fillers" in-between, but finally, towards the end, Chandler comes home again and walks in the apartment, and Eddie is standing there at their counter....Eddie asks Chandler "Pecan Sandie?? just made 'em!!!" Chandler agrees, "yeah, allright..." then looks at the cookie he has and asks "uhhh what are these Raisins!?!?" Eddie responds: "ummm sure, why not..." Chandler flings this raisin cookie across the room, exactly what I do with tomatoes and also with one of those, since I hardly like anything.... I'm dying laughing of course cause no one talks this way....Chandler decides to confront Eddie about what has been going on with their living situation then..."Listen uh, Eddie," then stops and asks "why are you smiling???" Eddie goes "look, I got us a new fishie, I named him, um, Chandler, you know, after, you..." Chandler bends down to look in the fish tank and sees a GOLDFISH CRACKER HANGING FROM A STRING INSIDE THE FISH TANK..... Chandler then says to him, "well, that's not even a real fish, you know, that's a Goldfish Cracker!!!" Eddie just kind of looks at him, and goes "so what's your point, man????" I lost it after that cause it was too funny, and no one acts like that which makes it even funnier....Going to start watching my seasons again tonight since I'm finally all caught up on my coursework and can take a breather finally....Let me see if I can find that clip now, and put it on here for everyone else to see who hasn't seen it....Some of those sarcastic episodes like that still have me laughing and I'm not even watching them like now...I just think of one and then want everyone else to see it to show them what I keep laughing about.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that one guy Adam Goldberg who plays the crazy roommate...his laugh is enough to crack up anyone who always seems to keep a straight face.....

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