Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sometimes I Wish That CELL PHONES Would Have Never Been Thought Of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was the 2nd time this month that I ran off and left my cell phone plugged into a public place where I was using the outlet, got to talking, then ran off and left the thing plugged in...I did that again last night when I went to Praise & Worship, and didn't remember it until like 2am, so I was up the rest of the night worrying about it, then finally realized that I couldn't do anything until they opened the building again finally for their regular workday, and I could call and get the thing back....The other time, I did that exact same thing in my art class....I plugged it into the outlet, got to talking with everyone else, and doing art projects, and jumped up and left when it was time to go since it takes half an hour just to get home...So I think that I'm done with public outlets cause I never remember to unplug anything if I step away and get distracted....After next week, I will have just 3 months left here...I got asked to go to Thailand to help with an orphanage that flooded....I wanted to do this sooooo sooooooooooooo badly, cause they sent me pictures and everything, and I can't do anything since I'm about to move, and it will be weeks, months, and possibly lead up until the springtime....I still thought that I would like to check into it, even if I go for a week or 2, just for the experience...I plan to contact my Religion teacher for help on this one, cause everytime I mention it to anyone else, I hear a whole load of garbage talk that I just don't wanna hear....I have 3-4 hours of just sitting in class tonight, and I can hardly stay awake, so I've been counting down the hours all day long until it will finally be over and I can finally get wonderful sleep again...This time not staying up worrying about stuff that I can't do anything about....

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