Friday, October 7, 2011

OMG, I Opened This Story On Yahoo, And We Still Can't Stop Laughing!!! I'm Nearly Feeling Sick Cause This Is Sooooooooooo Stupid, But Waaayyy FUNNY!!!

I opened up this story on yahoo up here at my college, to see what it was, and someone next to me saw it too, and busted out laughing, and asked me "OMG, WHAT IS THAT!!? A DOLL?!?!? That is one ugly looking doll I would love to hold over a flame and watch it melt slowly and then yank its arms and legs off along with the head, and fling the body out as far as I could throw it. I never played with dolls, so I have a blast tormenting them,and melting them is beyond hilarious, esp. when you yank the head off first and stuff the empty body with several tootsie rolls, then put the head back on and hold it over a flame. Then you can yank the head off again, and have melted tootsie rolls come pouring out....Good ice cream topping....this is just way too stupid though and everytime I'm gonna look at it now, I'm gonna bust out laughing...It seems to get me the most whenever I am trying to go to sleep, and I think of it, and bust out laughing in the pitch I'm glad no one else is there, or that I'm at camp do that, then can't shut up for the next 2 hours cause I can't stop thinking about it...That face is enough to make you nearly wet your pants it's so stupid would be one scary freak to run into in the dark..."Bieber’s New ‘Do Is a Big Expense for Toy Maker"

When Justin Bieber decided to change his hairstyle last February, Jay Foreman was not amused. The founder and CEO of toy manufacturer the Bridge Direct, estimates that Bieber's small change cost Foreman's company a big chunk of change, around $100,000..

His company makes dolls based on Bieber's likeness. Not surprisingly, the dolls (we refuse to call them action figures) are a huge hit with kids. Foreman related his tale of woe to CNN Money..

Foreman was sitting at his desk when he heard shrieks coming from his co-workers. They'd just learned that Bieber had changed his trademark haircut, rendering the company's hot-selling line of dolls outdated. Foreman had already begun manufacturing a new round of dolls with the star's original haircut..

Foreman says that there was nothing he could do at that point because the dolls were already being made. However, during the dolls' second run, he decided to change their hairstyle to reflect their real-life inspiration. The move, he estimates, cost his business around $100,000. But Foreman isn't bitter. He says those are the risks when you make products based on a celebrity. .

It's no surprise that Bieber's haircut is one of the most popular styles in Yahoo! Search over the past month, but he isn't at the top of the charts. That title belongs to Tom Brady. The Patriots quarterback's haircut inspired more searches than any other celebrity 'do. .

Following Brady and Bieber are Emma Watson of "Harry Potter" fame, Katie Holmes, Carrie Underwood, Kris Jenner, Dorothy Hamill, Halle Berry, Diana Agron, and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Notably absent from the top ten: Jennifer Aniston. Hey, that's OK. Angelina didn't make the list either..

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