Sunday, October 30, 2011

This Award Goes To The TOTAL IDIOT Tonight In The Restaurant....

I went for Mexican tonight for dinner, and there were an entire group of people all Spanish speaking at about 3 different tables, and one or all of the ones who were guys were wearing like 2 bottles of cologne each...It was sooooooooooooo strong, that it smelled up the entire restaurant no matter which end that you went to......It was actually making me nauseated from the smell, cause all were different smells, and soooo strong....But how do you explain that to other people who don't even speak ENGLISH, or speak and understand VERY LITTLE OF IT...even if I got someone else to explain it, then I would have turned out looking like the bad one when it was them who totally made me lose my appetite completely....They left, and that smell was still lingering, that is just how strong it was...I have NOOOOOOOOOOO IDEA who they were trying to impress on a Sunday night at a restaurant of all places...Maybe they just came to this country and discovered American cologne and deodorant or something, cause they sure knew how to use it....Even when I packed everything up, and went through the front part of the lobby before you enter, I could STILL smell that stuff...I just can't stand certain smells that are so strong, and I'm thankful to GOD that I didn't end up throwing up in public, cause that has happened before, and I don't need that again!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I'm finally home, I still can smell that's probably gonna take me the next 24 hours to get over that one...I really can't stand the way some stuff out there smells, and with 2-3 maybe even 4 or 5 different colognes all mixed together as HEAVILY as someone can possibly put them on, that surely doesn't I hope this guy or guys enjoy their TOTAL IDIOT AWARD, because they surely have earned it..... :p

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