Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just Say It Whatever It Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I finally finished my 3 week class...But believe me, it didn't seem like 3 weeks, it seemed like 3 months....That was definitely the most fun that I have ever had in a class in my entire life...I guess the shortest ones are the most funnest ones, and I'm all about the fun....Staying up until 5am finishing a project and an exam back to back isn't exactly the way I wanna be spending my time.....That's why I work 2-3 weeks ahead and I'm already finished for the remainder of the semester cause I can't stand to have that much to do all at once...and then of course there's the idiot guys I have to put up with whenever I go out in public, the coaches, the motorcycle drivers, the sports freaks, dopey guys at gas stations....I could go on and on....None of these people ever have anything intelligent to say to me like ever, but I always seem to have a comeback comment...I really don't understand people who act like total idiots whenever they want to talk with someone they always turn it into some kind of joke thinking they are funny or wanting ME to think their funny whenever I can't stand them to begin with....I talk all the time, so I have no problem talking to anyone...that one guy in all those videos, I emailed him right up as soon as I found the email to him and gave him several new ideas on funny videos that he could do.....

1. Some guy in Hawaii at the Air Force Base there found NEEDLES in his hamburger at BURGER KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we get to see another video on Burger King and hear just how "NASTY" it is all over again....I can't wait to hear that again about how everything at Burger King is all so nasty, and all about the "burger hoes" again.....I can't WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT to hear about that one....

2. Tiger Woods and his sick and twisted gay phone call to Kobe Bryant, some basketball player I think I have no stomach hurt for over 2 hours I was laughing so hard about that one....

3. Obama is sending military troops over to Africa.....

4. Oh and my most ultimate favourite, that one guy throwing a hot dog at Tiger Woods and it goes flying past him.....I can't wait to hear that one....

So I just say whatever it is, and can't wait to see any of those on how he will make fun of them...So that is why I don't understand these people who act like they are about 10 when they try and talk to me, it always ends up me smarting back off to them and them walking off scowling like a dog that's just been kicked or something....I'll continue talking to whoever I can when I am actually OUT in public, but guys who act like that!?!?! LOL....Please, I'd rather carry on a conversation with someone who works in a PAPERCLIP FACTORY.....

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