Saturday, October 8, 2011

OMG, So Here We Go Again With the Food Thing....I HATE Celery, I Have NEVER Liked Celery, And I Never Will Like It, Celery Is Highly EVIL, & Stinks!!!

So!! Yesterday evening in my Nutrition Class, these know nothings were having to do a demonstration about nutrients and whatever, just like I had to do with my group today. They didn't ask any of us if we liked celery, or if we could have animal products with it. I hate celery to begin with, and always have, just like I have pickles, can't really stand anything "bitter" I don't know where that came from, I just can't But that is mixing life and death for me and I don't do that!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't kill the animal, but it's still made from an animal, and you are having it with celery!!!!!!!!!!! I don't need Satan hanging around me for the next week not leaving me alone about that cause I can't stand any of that. So I get presented with celery, with peanut butter, (I hate peanut butter as well, I said I hardly like anything, carrot sticks with nothing on them and it's all good...) RAISINS, I hate those things just as bad cause they remind me of something that comes out of a rabbit, since I had to take care of the rabbit back in Okinawa since no one else wanted to, and those things smell to high heaven and are a complete MESS. Then the other thing of celery had cream cheese smeared all over it, with dried cranberries...And they just ruined my cranberries cause I have those PLAIN, not on top of celery. I was about to throw up cause I can't stand the smell of celery, hearing the "crunch" of it, or looking at it....I had to get up and leave the room completely I was actually feeling sick over something soooo nasty....I don't see how any one can eat that stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one seemed to have any complaints over mine today, since I brought just PLAIN carrots sticks and an entire bag of PLAIN dried cranberries.....I explained a million times to everyone can't stand celery, I don't mix life and death, they had no idea what I was talking about when I said that, so I had to explain that one as well, and there was no way I was ever going to eat celery esp. with cream cheese smeared all over it, and I hardly will touch dairy either....It's exhausting having to explain all that to people who don't know anything about anything, and I have to keep rewording it...I just left it at, I can't stand celery, I told you all I hardly like anything, unless it is totally PLAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with absolutely NOTHING on it!!!!!!!!!! I let someone else have my celery stuff, cause I wasn't touching it, and I couldn't stand to smell that stuff anymore!!!!!! OMG, it was sooo hard having to be around that!!!!!!!!! I kept gagging and coughing so hard my eyes were watering until I finally left completely for a few minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! And don't even start with me about the tomato thing how good those are, just looking at those evil things makes my skin crawl...

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