Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ten Are Better Than ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to go to dinner tonight alone, of course, since my husband is still deployed over in Korea for another 3 months....I hardly like anything as it is, except my soup and salad, few pieces of fruits and I'M DONE.....I barely go and get my salad to sit down, and pout to myself how I still have another 3 months of having to put up with this with going to restaurants alone whenever I do feel like doing that, and not just getting take-out....I seriously thought that I was dreaming, when I saw one of my friends come walking towards me asking me to come and sit with them so I wouldn't have to be sitting alone...I was like THANK UUUUUUUUUUU, you just sooo made my day, and we hadn't even made plans cause everyone is busy with their own stuff....I talk some to everybody, but everyone's schedules are different, everyone works, and everyone works different hours, different days, for me to make any kind of plans with anyone, that has to be like 2 weeks ahead...which is highly annoying of course, cause I still have everyday ahead of me. I can't have people around me every minute, and whenever I do run into people, it's usually NOT the ones that I want to see...But to just "accidentely" run into one of my friends in publc, someone that I actually KNOW, and get a long with....I'm all for it...It does help to know as many people as you can, and with me moving around all the time, I know plenty, so I went from just myself to sitting at a table with 10 other people....So I didn't have to sit there and fume to myself about hating still having to be here...I'm so glad that did happen, cause honestly, THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****Last night I started with Season 1 of "FRIENDS"....I'll look on youtube and see if they have the episode that is the funny one to me...The more the seasons go on, the funnier it gets....I still love the one with the goldfish thing...That one had me choking and still does after like 8 years now...nothing will be able to replace that... :)~~~~FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so okay, listen to the conversation that nurse is having on the phone....Ross got hit with a hockey puck in his face/nose, and she is arguing on the phone about that....This is an entire half-hour episode, but this is my absolutely favourite part of the whole thing....Does anyone ever REALLY call those number?!?! I've seen them, but I guess they finally brought it to everyone's wow I wish I was brave enough to do that...I wouldn't even get 2 words out and would start laughing and slam the phone down....So I couldn't do it....have to get someone who could stop laughing for at least 10 minutes out of the day.... The second one I love how he walks out and she starts making fun of him, then gets what's coming to her.....toooo funnny....

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