Sunday, October 2, 2011

Anyone Who Works In Security Is Completely WORTHLESS And Has The Worst Attitudes Ever!!!!!!!!!!

Okay!! Another group of people who go on my list under the category as being COMPLETELY WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had my paper to type up for my weekend class today. I got up after 6am to finish my reading, research a few topics on here, then scribble it all out to type out later...I go and get lunch, and am 2 hours early to do my work, and the computer lab in my building is completely closed and locked up. I called security and was talking a million miles a minute, this dope kept interrupting me, but I still kept talking and told him a few times to listen to what I was saying and he got pissed at me and smarted back. He went on and on and on how it wasn't open on Sundays, and I said how I am supposed to do my work I am on a time limit every minute of my life I don't have time for this kind of stupidity and the brain dead potential drug user hangs up on me. I was like okay whatever I'll just go somewhere else but then it was pushing closer and closer to my class time. Someone from security drives up anyways cause I wouldn't stop talking on the phone like someone does when they call the hospital, and this donut eating guy comes walking around like he's so proud of himself, and I tell him my situation, and he's just like "well I can't open it for you either!!!!!!!" I was so mad and had to go all the way to the complete other end of my campus, and my campus is huuuuggge with 2 ponds with geese, and all these buildings I have no idea what they are. I got my assignments typed out, and made it back with like 1 minute to spare. I went and told everyone around me what they did to me, and what they put me through, and of course everyone took my side and said what jerks they are, and they could have opened it and waited for me to finish then lock it back up. I went and told it again, and said I wasn't gonna call securtity there anymore because they were completely worthless and were just in a hurry to get back to sitting and eating different varities of donuts and bags of chips cause they sure don't seem to help with anything else. Wow I never realized what jerks they were until now...most definately uncontrollable bed wetters since they can hardly walk across the floor....I'm still gonna tell that to anyone and everyone to get the word out on how worthless security is!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY TRUST THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh, and by the way, there were others who were in my same situation, and we got it opened anyways to use so security can shove it up their a## cause (ahem) I ALWAYS GET MY WAY LOSERS, SO GET USED TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! SECURITY IS JUST PLAIN EVIL AND ROTTEN AND WANT TO DO NOTHING BUT ARGUE WITH PEOPLE TO PROVE THEY ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!! They had no idea who they were dealing with when they were talking with me!!!!!!!!!!!! Love how I don't back down from such low-lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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