Sunday, October 30, 2011

This Award Goes To The TOTAL IDIOT Tonight In The Restaurant....

I went for Mexican tonight for dinner, and there were an entire group of people all Spanish speaking at about 3 different tables, and one or all of the ones who were guys were wearing like 2 bottles of cologne each...It was sooooooooooooo strong, that it smelled up the entire restaurant no matter which end that you went to......It was actually making me nauseated from the smell, cause all were different smells, and soooo strong....But how do you explain that to other people who don't even speak ENGLISH, or speak and understand VERY LITTLE OF IT...even if I got someone else to explain it, then I would have turned out looking like the bad one when it was them who totally made me lose my appetite completely....They left, and that smell was still lingering, that is just how strong it was...I have NOOOOOOOOOOO IDEA who they were trying to impress on a Sunday night at a restaurant of all places...Maybe they just came to this country and discovered American cologne and deodorant or something, cause they sure knew how to use it....Even when I packed everything up, and went through the front part of the lobby before you enter, I could STILL smell that stuff...I just can't stand certain smells that are so strong, and I'm thankful to GOD that I didn't end up throwing up in public, cause that has happened before, and I don't need that again!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I'm finally home, I still can smell that's probably gonna take me the next 24 hours to get over that one...I really can't stand the way some stuff out there smells, and with 2-3 maybe even 4 or 5 different colognes all mixed together as HEAVILY as someone can possibly put them on, that surely doesn't I hope this guy or guys enjoy their TOTAL IDIOT AWARD, because they surely have earned it..... :p

Friday, October 28, 2011

These Are Incredible...

The first one is the most recent pic of my nieces...the rest I just got off a website from Facebook... :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sometimes I Wish That CELL PHONES Would Have Never Been Thought Of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was the 2nd time this month that I ran off and left my cell phone plugged into a public place where I was using the outlet, got to talking, then ran off and left the thing plugged in...I did that again last night when I went to Praise & Worship, and didn't remember it until like 2am, so I was up the rest of the night worrying about it, then finally realized that I couldn't do anything until they opened the building again finally for their regular workday, and I could call and get the thing back....The other time, I did that exact same thing in my art class....I plugged it into the outlet, got to talking with everyone else, and doing art projects, and jumped up and left when it was time to go since it takes half an hour just to get home...So I think that I'm done with public outlets cause I never remember to unplug anything if I step away and get distracted....After next week, I will have just 3 months left here...I got asked to go to Thailand to help with an orphanage that flooded....I wanted to do this sooooo sooooooooooooo badly, cause they sent me pictures and everything, and I can't do anything since I'm about to move, and it will be weeks, months, and possibly lead up until the springtime....I still thought that I would like to check into it, even if I go for a week or 2, just for the experience...I plan to contact my Religion teacher for help on this one, cause everytime I mention it to anyone else, I hear a whole load of garbage talk that I just don't wanna hear....I have 3-4 hours of just sitting in class tonight, and I can hardly stay awake, so I've been counting down the hours all day long until it will finally be over and I can finally get wonderful sleep again...This time not staying up worrying about stuff that I can't do anything about....

Friday, October 21, 2011

This Video Is So Hilarious!!! They Played It Over The Radio & Everyone Was Just Dying Laughing!!!!

I'm still trying to figure out what is in Chattanooga though!!! (Chattanooga is in Tennessee by the way....A different town from Nashville, huge huge music city!!!!) Oh, and in the last video, Pine-Sol is a floor cleaner by the mix it with water to dilute it and mop the floors with it...I did it all the time until I got my Swiffer where the bottle is attached to the pole thing and all you do is push a button...still funny

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ten Are Better Than ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to go to dinner tonight alone, of course, since my husband is still deployed over in Korea for another 3 months....I hardly like anything as it is, except my soup and salad, few pieces of fruits and I'M DONE.....I barely go and get my salad to sit down, and pout to myself how I still have another 3 months of having to put up with this with going to restaurants alone whenever I do feel like doing that, and not just getting take-out....I seriously thought that I was dreaming, when I saw one of my friends come walking towards me asking me to come and sit with them so I wouldn't have to be sitting alone...I was like THANK UUUUUUUUUUU, you just sooo made my day, and we hadn't even made plans cause everyone is busy with their own stuff....I talk some to everybody, but everyone's schedules are different, everyone works, and everyone works different hours, different days, for me to make any kind of plans with anyone, that has to be like 2 weeks ahead...which is highly annoying of course, cause I still have everyday ahead of me. I can't have people around me every minute, and whenever I do run into people, it's usually NOT the ones that I want to see...But to just "accidentely" run into one of my friends in publc, someone that I actually KNOW, and get a long with....I'm all for it...It does help to know as many people as you can, and with me moving around all the time, I know plenty, so I went from just myself to sitting at a table with 10 other people....So I didn't have to sit there and fume to myself about hating still having to be here...I'm so glad that did happen, cause honestly, THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****Last night I started with Season 1 of "FRIENDS"....I'll look on youtube and see if they have the episode that is the funny one to me...The more the seasons go on, the funnier it gets....I still love the one with the goldfish thing...That one had me choking and still does after like 8 years now...nothing will be able to replace that... :)~~~~FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so okay, listen to the conversation that nurse is having on the phone....Ross got hit with a hockey puck in his face/nose, and she is arguing on the phone about that....This is an entire half-hour episode, but this is my absolutely favourite part of the whole thing....Does anyone ever REALLY call those number?!?! I've seen them, but I guess they finally brought it to everyone's wow I wish I was brave enough to do that...I wouldn't even get 2 words out and would start laughing and slam the phone down....So I couldn't do it....have to get someone who could stop laughing for at least 10 minutes out of the day.... The second one I love how he walks out and she starts making fun of him, then gets what's coming to her.....toooo funnny....

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Students Totally Crack Me Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just found this from one of my students that I had back in Okinawa complaining about some guy and his breath....I still can not stop laughing....She was a pre-teen whenever I was still living there, so she's finally discovering what I have already discovered years ago about these gross-ass I had all ages though, but OMG, they all say the funniest things..and the older they get the funnier it seems to be because it involves not being able to stand the sicko guys who don't believe in hygiene or something.... :D "Dude, So i was at school todaii and this dude walked up to me he was Ugly as____ and the bad part is his breath STUNK... i was like No No NO get away from me with all that funk... Just ruin my morning, Lol my freind said Trinity u is so _____ rude... I was like u knoe his breath was kickin she said Kickin like jackie chan. i was like worse. We was rollin " :) Me:lol oh you make me laugh so hard trinity in a good ohh just wait until you get a little older the gross annoying guys like that don't go (hugs) :) Her: But it really Stunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me:lol leave a toothbrush and toothpaste on his locker before you all let out for christmas break.... :D Her:lol ill think about it Me: lol just don't let anyone see you do it though... :D So I'm not the only one who can't stand that grossness from these random guys that just come up and start talking junk or not talking at all but just are plain annoying....Oh wow, I still can't stop laughing about that...I really wish I could have seen that..I do believe my knees would have given out completely I would have been laughing sooo hard cause that is EXACTLY what I went through, and still am, and I never could stand a one of them and still can't....oh how sweet it is though to see it repeat itself and get to see others complain about it... :D LOVE IT THOUGH...I wouldn't give it up for anything the comments from them are totally priceless....... here's a scene from the show "F.R.I.E.N.D.S." that I absolutely can not stop thinking about....I know the entire 10 seasons every single episode by heart, but sometimes, certain scenes just pop into my mind and I can't stop laughing about them cause that is exactly how I act to the T and I have never even met the the producers....I'll tell it first then look for a clip on here if my youtube thing decides to cooperate with me..... Not sure which season this is from but Chandler is looking for a new roommate...He interviews several guys, and finally finds one and agree for him to move in the next day....This psycho guy shows up, and just lets himself in the apt. whenever this new guy arrives, he said he was Chandler's new roommate, and the psycho-guy, Eddie, says "no I'm Chandler's new roommate!!!" and the other guy is just left standing there, and gets the door slammed in his face....So this guy Eddie is completely psychotic, hydrating fruit, and then things around the house to see what they would look like after they are dried out etc...etc...His ex-girlfriend comes over to the new apt. to drop off a fishtank and some other stuff, and Chandler is the one who answers the door and gets it. Then she turns around to leave and Eddie shows up, and says "you slept with her didn't you???" Chandler says that she just came by to drop off the fish tank and then left. "Well where's BUDDY!?!?" This apparently was a fish, that she didn't want to mess with, and obviously flushed him down the toilet and just brought over the fish tank...Chandler asks, "Buddy, who's Buddy?? Eddie is still arguing about this whole thing, saying "first you sleep with my girlfriend, and then you kill my fish!!!!" Chandler leaves again to go and complain to everyone else about this guy and to cool off, still thinking the other guy he agreed to be his roommate never showed up when he actually did. There's a lot more "fillers" in-between, but finally, towards the end, Chandler comes home again and walks in the apartment, and Eddie is standing there at their counter....Eddie asks Chandler "Pecan Sandie?? just made 'em!!!" Chandler agrees, "yeah, allright..." then looks at the cookie he has and asks "uhhh what are these Raisins!?!?" Eddie responds: "ummm sure, why not..." Chandler flings this raisin cookie across the room, exactly what I do with tomatoes and also with one of those, since I hardly like anything.... I'm dying laughing of course cause no one talks this way....Chandler decides to confront Eddie about what has been going on with their living situation then..."Listen uh, Eddie," then stops and asks "why are you smiling???" Eddie goes "look, I got us a new fishie, I named him, um, Chandler, you know, after, you..." Chandler bends down to look in the fish tank and sees a GOLDFISH CRACKER HANGING FROM A STRING INSIDE THE FISH TANK..... Chandler then says to him, "well, that's not even a real fish, you know, that's a Goldfish Cracker!!!" Eddie just kind of looks at him, and goes "so what's your point, man????" I lost it after that cause it was too funny, and no one acts like that which makes it even funnier....Going to start watching my seasons again tonight since I'm finally all caught up on my coursework and can take a breather finally....Let me see if I can find that clip now, and put it on here for everyone else to see who hasn't seen it....Some of those sarcastic episodes like that still have me laughing and I'm not even watching them like now...I just think of one and then want everyone else to see it to show them what I keep laughing about.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that one guy Adam Goldberg who plays the crazy roommate...his laugh is enough to crack up anyone who always seems to keep a straight face.....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

How Do You Deal With Jealous People!!!!

Jealous people. Wow, we can't live with them, and we can't seem to live without them. Me, I have to face them everyday....I get it mostly from stupid females, so I'm used to it now, but it's still something that I don't like, and I definately DON'T like being around people like that....So, since I never run of out stuff to talk about, here's something else that happened to me earlier today...We all got to talking about our interests, and the subject of art came up...I'm usually not one to just speak out, but Art anything I can handle, and start talking a mile a minute about it, and all what I have learned, all what I have done, and pulled out my latest project and held it up and showed it to my entire class...I got mostly approval, but then some nasty looks and narrow-eyed glares or just looks like they wish they could do that sort of thing, but don't or just say that they can't....I got one stupid female bashing me in front of everyone about my artwork there in front of everyone saying junk like they couldn't do it, they just never picked up on it, and didn't like it, and saying mean and nasty stuff to me, when I nearly had an entire project finished and after that, I didn't say anymore. I just don't deal with people like that. No matter what it is, what is being said, or what is done by someone else, if they can't be the center of attention, usually in a negative way, then they just aren't satisfied....I taught my students some of what I know, and they loved it, I never heard anyone else complain about it except the ones WHO CAN'T DO IT,AND THEY WANNA RUN ME DOWN FOR KNOWING HOW TO.....sick sick sick people who act that way....I'm trying not to let the jealous thing get to me from these worthless nothing females who have done NOTHING with their lives besides drop out of high school, have numerous kids, and are now living off the government by some kind of means, and I have done NONE OF THAT, so that is usually the reason why they hate me....Of course, I would be glad to teach them, but with an attitude like that, no thanks....I don't like being snapped at, and I'd rather be around professional people who are actually NICE, and are happy for each other's talents, and not do this verbal bashing when there's a group of people around.....Wow, I wish I saw guys like those 2 up there over in Okinawa with signs in English...I would have so jumped out and went to get poster stuff to make posters and join them without saying a word to either one of them, just so I could laugh about the whole thing later....The sarcasim is the greatest part, and I so live for sarcastic anything.....Tomorrow I will finish my quilt finally, and start on another one...this time I'm doing a t-shirt quilt of all different Hello Kitty t-shirts I got from the kids section at a clothing store here...They're like really really really small, but I just want the pictures and make an entire blanket out of them all before I leave...It's stuff like that I come up with that others who have absolutely NO talent at all get furious about...and instead of talking to me normally, I get the evil eye glares and cold shoulders...not that I care, but I do notice the attitude....Well I think I have talked enough for one day...hope everyone had a great weekend...I will finally get mine back and I'm soooooo thrilled to pieces about it....

Just Say It Whatever It Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I finally finished my 3 week class...But believe me, it didn't seem like 3 weeks, it seemed like 3 months....That was definitely the most fun that I have ever had in a class in my entire life...I guess the shortest ones are the most funnest ones, and I'm all about the fun....Staying up until 5am finishing a project and an exam back to back isn't exactly the way I wanna be spending my time.....That's why I work 2-3 weeks ahead and I'm already finished for the remainder of the semester cause I can't stand to have that much to do all at once...and then of course there's the idiot guys I have to put up with whenever I go out in public, the coaches, the motorcycle drivers, the sports freaks, dopey guys at gas stations....I could go on and on....None of these people ever have anything intelligent to say to me like ever, but I always seem to have a comeback comment...I really don't understand people who act like total idiots whenever they want to talk with someone they always turn it into some kind of joke thinking they are funny or wanting ME to think their funny whenever I can't stand them to begin with....I talk all the time, so I have no problem talking to anyone...that one guy in all those videos, I emailed him right up as soon as I found the email to him and gave him several new ideas on funny videos that he could do.....

1. Some guy in Hawaii at the Air Force Base there found NEEDLES in his hamburger at BURGER KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we get to see another video on Burger King and hear just how "NASTY" it is all over again....I can't wait to hear that again about how everything at Burger King is all so nasty, and all about the "burger hoes" again.....I can't WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT to hear about that one....

2. Tiger Woods and his sick and twisted gay phone call to Kobe Bryant, some basketball player I think I have no stomach hurt for over 2 hours I was laughing so hard about that one....

3. Obama is sending military troops over to Africa.....

4. Oh and my most ultimate favourite, that one guy throwing a hot dog at Tiger Woods and it goes flying past him.....I can't wait to hear that one....

So I just say whatever it is, and can't wait to see any of those on how he will make fun of them...So that is why I don't understand these people who act like they are about 10 when they try and talk to me, it always ends up me smarting back off to them and them walking off scowling like a dog that's just been kicked or something....I'll continue talking to whoever I can when I am actually OUT in public, but guys who act like that!?!?! LOL....Please, I'd rather carry on a conversation with someone who works in a PAPERCLIP FACTORY.....

Friday, October 14, 2011

OMG, Would You Believe That One Guy In All Those Crazy Videos Took My Video Suggestions!?!?!?!

I am soooo much still in shock right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I emailed that one guy in all those crazy videos that had me laughing until 6am the other morning and I absolutely could NOT get to sleep I kept thinking of certain ones and certain parts of his videos and would bust out laughing in the pitch dark....That went on the entire night until I finally got up and took a sleeping pill to knock me out and for me to shut my mouth to keep from laughing...I emailed him suggesting if he could make videos on the links below, where some psycho guy throws a hotdog at Tiger woods at some golf tournament, and I said I was dying to see him make fun of that.....There is no way possible to download that clip cause it's copyrighted from all the sport channel networks, but you can still see it on the link below....What made my day is that HE SAID HE WOULD DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, if anyone sees his video about that hot dog incident before I get to watch it, just know that I gave him the suggestion!!!! I'm trying to find something quirky that happened in boring nothing politics with Obama or someone so he can make fun of that just talking and running those people down calling them every name you can think of. I still haven't been able to find anything, but now I'll be on the lookout for junk like that since he's gonna do the one about the hot dog one...OMG I can't wait to see that one...I'm not going to be able to breathe properly for hours on end....Have a good day everyone cause mine has just totally been made!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see that one, cause the video itself is hard to make out and see the hot dog come flying at the idiot with the golf clubs...oh and also I sent a link and suggested that he do a video on tiger woods caught on a gay phone call he was making to Kobe Bryant, I think he's some whacked up basketball player. He was crying and sniffing and everything saying how sorry he was for not calling him and everything...I sent the entire conversation to him and he said that he would make fun of that one too...I'll have to pull that one up again on the phone call and put on here to give everyone a good laugh...I didn't think I was going to be able to sit back up again for the rest of the day I was laughing so hard but managed to type him out a message and suggest those to him...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do videos on these 2 links!!!!!!!!!! now I won't be able to calm down until I see them and have them the stuff that I come up with to make fun of and laugh about with wonder we are friends to begin with.... :D still laughing about all of it by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just found another link for this guy to make fun of...before long, he's gonna make me his assistant cause of all my ideas and not being able to ever to keep quiet about anything....some guy found NEEDLES in his burger and fries at BURGER KING....sick sick sick...but funny funny funny...once he attacks this story...***just found this link now too and sent it over to my friend to make another world famous video....obama is sending military troops over to Africa....can't WAIT to hear what he has to say about that in about a 3 minute video...****SOUND THE ALARM....TIGER WOODS IS GAY BABY....HERE'S PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!! expect a video about this one too cause i sent him this exact same link and can't WAIT to see what he comes up with after watching this...************

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I So Wanna Marry This Guy On The Side To Keep Me Laughin' For The Rest Of My Life....

hey's the guy who leaves me laughing for hours on end when the rest of life seems to be at its worst....I FINALLY found this guy's email address and am gonna ask him to to videos on obama and stupid tiger woods, cause I can't stand either one of them...Did anyone else out there hear about that one guy over the weekend throwing a hotdog at tiger woods at that stupid golf tournament that he was at?!?! That guy is my newest hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are even gonna make a movie about that incident about that now, and I can't wait to go see it, and I DON'T EVEN LIKE GOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to laugh at that one part!!! He yells at him, and then throws a hot dog at tiger woods right before he is getting ready to hit the golf ball, and the hot dog flies right past him...funniest thing I have seen this whole month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I about fell off my bed when I saw that,and you can't download it off here cause it's copyrighted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to see this guy making fun of that, I'd probably have to call to get oxygen I'd be laughing so hard...he comes up with stuff that is right in front of our faces, but never think of saying....totally makes my day every time....LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, and after hearing this phone call, I do believe that sicko pervert is far beyond gay!!!!!!!!!! no guy talks that way on the phone crying and sniffling around to another GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOMIT ALL THE WAY.....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

To ALL Of My Friends Out There!!! DO NOT GIVE IN TO THIS B.S!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Was Furious When I Read This!!!!!

10,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets to Japan

If you’ve ever wanted to visit Japan, this may be your chance.

In a desperate attempt to lure tourists back to a country plagued by radiation fears and constant earthquakes, the Japan Tourism Agency‘s proposed an unprecedented campaign – 10,000 free roundtrip tickets.

The catch is, you need to publicize your trip on blogs and social media sites.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan has dropped drastically, since a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Power plant in March. Nearly 20,000 people have been confirmed dead, while more than 80,000 remain displaced because of radiation concerns. In the first three months following the triple disasters, the number of foreign visitors to Japan was cut in half, compared with the same time in 2010. The strong Japanese currency has made matters worse.

The tourism agency says it plans to open a website to solicit applicants interested in the free tickets. Would- be visitors will have to detail in writing their travel plans in Japan, and explain what they hope to get out of the trip. Successful applicants would pay for their own accommodation and meals. They would also be required to write a review their travel experiences, and post it online.

“We are hoping to get highly influential blogger-types, and others who can spread the word that Japan is a safe place to visit,” said Kazuyoshi Sato, with the agency.

The agency has requested more than a billion yen to pay for the tourism blitz. If lawmakers approve the funding, Sato says visitors could begin signing up as early as next April.

I would have left an even nastier comment than this one if stupid worthless yahoo wouldn't censor everything I say almost cause I'm such a smartmouth esp. when it comes to stuff like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u don't need ta know sweetheart!!
"lol OMG, free airfare to Japan!?!? wtf is that all about!?!?! hell, i wouldn't even get on the plane if someone was to lead me by the hand and let me set in FIRST CLASSSS!!!!!!!!! You have got to be one pathetic loser idiot to wanna go over to Japan if the radiation is totally out of control now because of the earthquakes they had there...i will NEVER go back to Japan after living there 4 years it's nothing but solid hell on earth with protests going on all the time, and everyone is always angry and yelling like you are in a 3rd world country or something....Japan is the most miserable country you could ever imagine going to...I would rather go and help orphans and homeless people for an entire year than going to visit Japan even if it was for free...I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy better things to do with my life than to waste my time with that place ever again!! let's start the "thumbs down" and bad comments coming in cause I know that's exactly what i'm gonna you all go live there for the next 10 years without coming back to the United States ONCE, and then just see if you have the same attitude about going back to Japan...You won't even want it in your vocubulary then....horrible idea to even play on about wanting to go there!!!!!!!!!!"

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm Making One Similar To This One...Soo Much Fun, And It's Incredible To Be Around People Who Actually Know A Few Things!!! :D

I Continue To Be Surrounded By STUPID People..I Don't Deserve This Kind Of Treatment Being On The President's Honour Roll & A Straight "A" Student!!!

WOW, these conversations just keep getting better and better with all the idiots that I get stuck talking to and being around. Somehow the subject of CAULIFLOWER came up between me and someone else in my class yesterday....(yes I hate that stuff too, I can't stand the taste of it...I hardly like anything, and they still can't get that through their thick, cracked skull....) This is something how the conversation went...

Them: (sees a picture of cauliflower) Oh, cauliflower, haven't seen that in awhile...
Me: I can't stand the stuff!!!!!!!
Them: Well I LIKE IT!!!!!
Me: okay, so...go ahead and keep eatin' it but I don't want any....I think it tastes BITTER....
Them: Bitter!?! I don't think that it tastes bitter, I just think that it tastes like NOTHIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: well, so tell me, what exactly does "NOTHING" taste like???????


Saturday, October 8, 2011

OMG, So Here We Go Again With the Food Thing....I HATE Celery, I Have NEVER Liked Celery, And I Never Will Like It, Celery Is Highly EVIL, & Stinks!!!

So!! Yesterday evening in my Nutrition Class, these know nothings were having to do a demonstration about nutrients and whatever, just like I had to do with my group today. They didn't ask any of us if we liked celery, or if we could have animal products with it. I hate celery to begin with, and always have, just like I have pickles, can't really stand anything "bitter" I don't know where that came from, I just can't But that is mixing life and death for me and I don't do that!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't kill the animal, but it's still made from an animal, and you are having it with celery!!!!!!!!!!! I don't need Satan hanging around me for the next week not leaving me alone about that cause I can't stand any of that. So I get presented with celery, with peanut butter, (I hate peanut butter as well, I said I hardly like anything, carrot sticks with nothing on them and it's all good...) RAISINS, I hate those things just as bad cause they remind me of something that comes out of a rabbit, since I had to take care of the rabbit back in Okinawa since no one else wanted to, and those things smell to high heaven and are a complete MESS. Then the other thing of celery had cream cheese smeared all over it, with dried cranberries...And they just ruined my cranberries cause I have those PLAIN, not on top of celery. I was about to throw up cause I can't stand the smell of celery, hearing the "crunch" of it, or looking at it....I had to get up and leave the room completely I was actually feeling sick over something soooo nasty....I don't see how any one can eat that stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one seemed to have any complaints over mine today, since I brought just PLAIN carrots sticks and an entire bag of PLAIN dried cranberries.....I explained a million times to everyone can't stand celery, I don't mix life and death, they had no idea what I was talking about when I said that, so I had to explain that one as well, and there was no way I was ever going to eat celery esp. with cream cheese smeared all over it, and I hardly will touch dairy either....It's exhausting having to explain all that to people who don't know anything about anything, and I have to keep rewording it...I just left it at, I can't stand celery, I told you all I hardly like anything, unless it is totally PLAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with absolutely NOTHING on it!!!!!!!!!! I let someone else have my celery stuff, cause I wasn't touching it, and I couldn't stand to smell that stuff anymore!!!!!! OMG, it was sooo hard having to be around that!!!!!!!!! I kept gagging and coughing so hard my eyes were watering until I finally left completely for a few minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! And don't even start with me about the tomato thing how good those are, just looking at those evil things makes my skin crawl...

Friday, October 7, 2011

OMG, I Opened This Story On Yahoo, And We Still Can't Stop Laughing!!! I'm Nearly Feeling Sick Cause This Is Sooooooooooo Stupid, But Waaayyy FUNNY!!!

I opened up this story on yahoo up here at my college, to see what it was, and someone next to me saw it too, and busted out laughing, and asked me "OMG, WHAT IS THAT!!? A DOLL?!?!? That is one ugly looking doll I would love to hold over a flame and watch it melt slowly and then yank its arms and legs off along with the head, and fling the body out as far as I could throw it. I never played with dolls, so I have a blast tormenting them,and melting them is beyond hilarious, esp. when you yank the head off first and stuff the empty body with several tootsie rolls, then put the head back on and hold it over a flame. Then you can yank the head off again, and have melted tootsie rolls come pouring out....Good ice cream topping....this is just way too stupid though and everytime I'm gonna look at it now, I'm gonna bust out laughing...It seems to get me the most whenever I am trying to go to sleep, and I think of it, and bust out laughing in the pitch I'm glad no one else is there, or that I'm at camp do that, then can't shut up for the next 2 hours cause I can't stop thinking about it...That face is enough to make you nearly wet your pants it's so stupid would be one scary freak to run into in the dark..."Bieber’s New ‘Do Is a Big Expense for Toy Maker"

When Justin Bieber decided to change his hairstyle last February, Jay Foreman was not amused. The founder and CEO of toy manufacturer the Bridge Direct, estimates that Bieber's small change cost Foreman's company a big chunk of change, around $100,000..

His company makes dolls based on Bieber's likeness. Not surprisingly, the dolls (we refuse to call them action figures) are a huge hit with kids. Foreman related his tale of woe to CNN Money..

Foreman was sitting at his desk when he heard shrieks coming from his co-workers. They'd just learned that Bieber had changed his trademark haircut, rendering the company's hot-selling line of dolls outdated. Foreman had already begun manufacturing a new round of dolls with the star's original haircut..

Foreman says that there was nothing he could do at that point because the dolls were already being made. However, during the dolls' second run, he decided to change their hairstyle to reflect their real-life inspiration. The move, he estimates, cost his business around $100,000. But Foreman isn't bitter. He says those are the risks when you make products based on a celebrity. .

It's no surprise that Bieber's haircut is one of the most popular styles in Yahoo! Search over the past month, but he isn't at the top of the charts. That title belongs to Tom Brady. The Patriots quarterback's haircut inspired more searches than any other celebrity 'do. .

Following Brady and Bieber are Emma Watson of "Harry Potter" fame, Katie Holmes, Carrie Underwood, Kris Jenner, Dorothy Hamill, Halle Berry, Diana Agron, and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Notably absent from the top ten: Jennifer Aniston. Hey, that's OK. Angelina didn't make the list either..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

So, What's Up With All These Stupid E-Mails That I Keep Getting!?!????

What is going on with the e-mail systems!? I didn't used to get any of this stuff, and now I get them every single day almost and it's highly annoying!!!!!!!!! Things like:

1. "Do You Need Hip Replacement?"

2. "Do You Have Sexual Dis function?"

3. "Do You Have Thinning Hair?"

4. "Get Fitted For Dentures For Free!"

5. "Are You Suffering From Arthritis?"

6. "Free Lasic Surgery!!"

7. "Viagra As Low As $1.99!!!!!"

8. "Do You Want To Increase Your Size For More Satisfaction?"

9. "Are You Suffering From Osteoporosis?"

10. "Become A Massage Therapist Or Medical Technician in 8-12 Months!!!"

And Finally, here's the kicker to them all!!!

11. *****"JOB OPENINGS IN OKINAWA-APPLY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

OMG, so okay, WTH IS UP WITH ALL OF THAT!!!???? And most of all, JUST WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE GET MY NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESSES????????????? I can't put some of that on my facebook page, cause I'm still connected with some of my students, so I definately couldn't have them seeing that since I know they would look it up on here then. I just don't need that kind of embarrassment and then me stuttering around for answers....So here we go on my world-famous opinions....hope everyone gets a good laugh since there is no way I would stay quiet about any of this without commenting on it somehow and somewhere...even if I had to go and write it on a bathroom wall at a truck stop where everyone writes stuff like "I LOVE___________ " etc. etc... I would fill up the entire back door and both walls with as much as I talk...esp. on stupid stuff like this!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. NO, I don't need hip replacement, I am not 80 or 90 or 100 years old. I'm in the prime time of my life, and lovin' it... and don't even think about that now at all..It's highly depressing, and I'm not going to sit here focusing on it everyday when I get outta bed, "oh I might need hip replacement one day, guess I'd better go walk around while I can since I won't be able to for awhile once I get both hips replaced, esp. since there is nothing wrong with them in the first place.....

2. So, I guess you have no problem at all sending this stuff out to total strangers asking about their personal sex lives to find out about it so you can post it all over the internet. I know this very very well, because here's a little secret buddy, I HAPPEN TO DO THE EXACT SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once you find out something about someone who just totally gets under your skin....( you absolutely CAN NOT STAND, and they make you want to bite every single one of your nails off, we all know the type because you are one of them), you put everything you can all over the internet to secretly humiliate them behind their backs and then laugh about it. I've done this ever since the internet has been thought of because of loser guys who won't stop with with me and I won't give them the time of day, then put it all over here and half the world gets a good laugh on how stupid they are and they can see that it's not me initiating it. So, it seems like you are one of those guys as well, and guess what, you've just been humilitated, so go crawl back in your hole and finish shaving the rest of your back.....

3. Okay, the fact that you even send me an email asking me about my hair is a total insult and consider yourself being bitch-slapped over the internet for that. Wow, if you knew me at all, you wouldn't be able to handle me for a minute as high maintenance as I am. I mess with my hair every minute of the day, I keep up with my highlites, keeping my natural red colour, keeping it as long as I possibly can, and have gotten every hair care product known to mankind. My students beg me if they can play with my hair and it's all over the place then, but I don't care cause I take daily showers anyways, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day in the scalding hot summers cause I can't stand that slimy feeling from sweating...It's very clear that you don't, or you wouldn't have thinning hair from lack of personal grooming. My hair is just fine, and they could make a throw rug out of it if I would ever let that happen, but of course I won't, so it surely doesn't sound like I have thinning hair, and with all the compliments I get on it all the time, and with other worthless females giving me the evil eye in class, or anywhere else I"m at, and then they show up the next time with the same exact red hair color I have they got out of a BOTTLE, that says something right there how much they envy me for having hair like I do, the colour and everything, so I don't have a problem with my hair at all. My suggestion to you is, if you have such a problem with thinning hair, then go to a wig shop and stock up on several wigs and your thinning hair problem is automatically solved. I'll even give you the address to a wig shop up the street from where I live here, just so you will leave me the #&*!* ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. OMG, YOU ARE SO NOT ASKING ME THIS!!!!!!!!!!! If you had ANY idea how much I went through with my teeth alone, your jaw would drop down, and you wouldn't be able to close it for a good 10 mintues then. Hopefully, while you still have it open, a few flies and other insects will fly directly into your mouth and you swallow them which will help speed up your tooth decay. Someone who has gone through oral surgery, having the right canine tooth on the other side of their head attached to their left eye socket hanging down like an icicle, the oral surgeon having to put me under, so he could cut it loose, attach a chain around it, bring the chain down, behind my front teeth, back up again, and hanging down from the empty space where they pulled the tooth that was still there because the permanent one was on the other side of my head, attach braces all over my teeth for 3 years, attach the chain to the braces, and within 2-3 years time that tooth was brought down into place right next to all the others where it was supposed to be. I got my braces off, the "tv antenna" jokes stopped, but the stupid guys didn't. I'm talking about the ones who never shut up thinking they're funny, and poking each other laughing about which one of them should talk with me first. I still wouldn't give them the time of day, but I no longer had the braces, my teeth are perfectly straight, there is nothing wrong with my teeth, I go regularly to the dentist, I love my smile, and there is NO WAY EVER that I plan on loosing any of my teeth to cause me to get dentures ever. What I had they really didn't have a name for, they just referred to it as a "freak of nature" or if they do have a name, I surely can't remember it, but I am fearfully and wonderfully made, so it seems the only freak around here now is YOU since you are sending out emails to people that you don't even know asking them if they need dentures so you won't have to be the only one wearing them. You can start your own "Denture Support Group" on Facebook now you know. They have plenty of people out there who already have dentures, or need to get them, and I'm sure that you will get PLENTY of responces, so good luck on your toothless denture group. I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends. Maybe you all can even give each other denture tips...

5. Hmm, well, arthritis usually comes from a lack of doing NOTHING or doing the same thing too much. I suggest that you learn to expand your life and your teeny tiny nothing itty bitty mind and try doing more than one thing other than just sitting, and discover what it out there to keep your mind sharp and where you won't even come close to developing arthritis. You know, once you can't move at all, someone will have to do everything for you from spoon-feeding you to getting you dressed and undressed every day and night...With as sick and twisted as you already are, I'm sure that you will just LOVE that, so perhaps you want to develop arthrtis to make everyone feel sorry for you and let them decide between themselves who is the next one to have to put on your next pair of pants....

6. Well, I can see just fine.I don't need or want any kind of surgery where some doctor is there poking around in my eye and flashing a laser into it. I have seen how this is done, and it makes me cringe, and I have to turn away it grosses me out sooo badly....Really, I would like to give you a poke or two, and not just in the eye, since I'm apparently not the only one you are bugging half to death about this procedure...I don't wear contacts, I can't stand even touching or poking anything near or around my eye, I don't wear glasses, I don't have trouble seeing, I think the only thing you are having trouble with seeing is how many people how you are driving out of their mind and how many of us can't stand you by sending us emails that have nothing to do with us or our lifestyles....

7. It seems to me, the only one who needs viagra around here is you. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to order unknown, cheaply made drugs off the INTERNET!?!?! Wow, you must have a really sad life being this desperate to get some kind of satisfaction going on however you can....There was some drug party here in my city back at the beginning of the year, drinking and all that stuff, and the guy throwing the party at his house, had ordered drugs off the internet and was there sharing them with others. They were drinking obsessively, doing drugs, mixing drugs and alcohol do not go together. You can DIE from that just for a few minutes of what you consider to be "FUN." Oh and you know what??? That is EXACTLY what happened to a few of them. They weren't able to handle the effects of this drug that was illegal, I don't even remember what it was cause I'm not a druggie, and the guy who ordered it in the first place is being charged for murder since he is responsible for distributing drugs and had alcohol there at his house. You don't know what you are getting when you order pills or whatever kind of drugs off the internet from whoever, you don't know what's in them, you don't know who has handled them or even who has made them. So if you wanna sit for an afternoon flipping through a book, or surfing the internet on tombstone designs and caskets, then be my guest, but I"m sure not gonna join you...There are plenty others out there who don't need viagra at all, so why would I even wanna mess with someone who does in the first place...oh I forgot you're one of those goody goody people who stare at me from a distance but refuses to talk with me....okay whatever, cause you couldn't handle me anyways....

8.Oh brother, OMG, so here we go again....I take it that you have some real security issues and problems that you don't want anyone else to know about, so you send out all these perverted emails to people you don't even know, and you make sure that girls like me get them just to get me mad cause you know it does...Let's see, I know exactly what you are talking about, and that is something that you discuss with a D.O.C.T.O.R.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't be like the psycho-bitch in one of my child development classes and started talking about people having bowel movements right in the middle of class one time, and how to "regulate" yourself..and this stupid hoe was saying all this OUTLOUD IN DETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ABOUT WAS READY TO THROW UP UNTIL I TOLD HER TO SHUT THE HELL UP AND WE HAVE AVOIDED EACH OTHER EVER SINCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never come across anyone so stupid. That is a medical class discussion, not something that you discuss in a class for EDUCATION...This is why I don't deal with younger brats in their 20's they are just like teenagers and think they know and that they are right about everything. She is probably one of the ones who sit there and eats the stuff saying it's good nutrients and whatever. They had a whole entire section on dvds on people doing that and it showed it on the front cover in one of those "shops" for adults only. Yes, people actually do that, but that is totally their business. I don't want to know about it, I don't want to hear about it, don't tell me about it, don't mention it to me, don't go on about it, and definately don't talk outloud about it cause I will walk right up and shove you right over. It seems like you and her would be perfect for each other so good luck with your new girl friend. She's as nasty as you can possibly get.... I think the only "size" that needs to be increased around here is your BRAIN.....

9. Okay, we're getting to know each other pretty well by now. You can see that I'm a total smart ass and sarcastic as they come, and I can see that you're a total pervert and sick as you can get....Total opposites from each other...But one question though??? Why do you wanna know all my medical history when you're not even a DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!???!!?!? Doctors are the ones who ask these sort of things, not just anyone who doesn't have anything else better to do with their life, and secretly looking of a girlfriend. Yes, I know you can develop osteperosis at any age, they check you for that all through school, you hear about all this stuff your bones go through and calcium deficiencies etc...etc....Don't start in on me on drinking milk and how "good" it is for me....I don't care, I can't stand it, and I am not gonna sit there and drink anything white that reminds me of stuff that comes out of the human body....That's what calcium pills are for sweetheart...So you see, I have an answer to everything and can get around all your questions....I bet you are sorry that you sent me all these emails now that you see how much personality I have in me compared to others like yourself who don't even have one....

10. I'm gonna take a wild guess that you are totally and completely obsessed with the naked human body from head to toe. If anyone is gonna be getting a massage it's going to be me, not ME GIVING IT TO SOMEONE ELSE THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW AND RUBBING GREASY STUFF ALL OVER THEM. I know how it's done, I've seen it, I don't care for it, and I don't like the greasy nasty feeling it leaves on my skin. I don't want some stranger touching me or putting their nasty hands all over me. That is for people who have absolutely ZERO TALENT, and can't think of anything else better to do with their lives...So tell me, would you REALLY trust anyone who finished medical training in less than a year!?? I just started this year on my 2nd degree, and it's going to take me at least the next 10 years to real my goal, but time definately flies, so I don't care how long it will take cause I've been lovin' every minute of it....Programs like that are for people who are mostly lazy, and want to "rush" through everything not taking time and enjoying whatever it is they're studying about. They don't learn the full program, and it's very hurried, so if they do happen to land a job, they still feel unsatisfied and keep searching for something else...Medical grosses me out, so I would never even think of having anything to do with it ever...The only reason I think you would pretend to be interested in it would be to find some potential date to make yourself feel important..Oh sorry, you already have a girlfriend, the one who eats her own bowel movements and others because she doesn't want to waste the nutrients that are in them...Wow, you're both crazy so please stay far away from me and don't even think of talking to me ever..If you do, I could act interested, then come over and act like I was gonna kiss you, but instead grab my water and dump the rest of it in your lap making it look like you totally wet your pants. I grew up around 5 boys baby, so I know all the tricks, moves, remarks, comments, practical jokes, and how to definately get back at someone...So don't even think of getting on my wrong side, cause I have yet to do my dog food recipe and feed it to an entire roomful of people who totally pissed me off, but that's a whole other story....

11. Okinawa...A PLACE THAT YOU INSTANTLY HATE, AND ONE THAT I NEVER WANT TO SEE AGAIN!!!!! You people there are so worthless and brain-washed with living there that you don't even realize that the rest of the world even exists anymore. All you talk about is that stupid f*&%ng island, and how great it is, and how beautiful it is, and how you never want to leave, and these douchebag Americans come there and try and speak in a Japanese accent and learn Japanese!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, people GET A CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!! You are what you are, and not something else just because you are in another country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These astronauts who go to outer space for weeks, months at a time, once they landed on the moon, they didn't automatically think that they were an alien just because they were in outer space. The same goes for you and everyone else over there!!!!!!!!!! Here's a little inside information: (I know you all are brain dead druggies over there, esp. with all the arrests they made on the drug users when I was living there, so it doesn't surprise me that you also fit into this category as well.) I DON'T LIVE IN OKINAWA ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't for nearly a year now, so sending me emails on job offers isn't going to make me change my mind and actually want to come back there. That place is hell on earth with the devil himself living right around the corner. I have never in my life been in such a hellish place that is still making me have nightmares over it being a concentration camp instead of some military base. I am not an island person, so that is where all that is coming from, because I was fine before I moved to that hell hole. I don't like being stuck anywhere and in total isolation away from the rest of society. I come back here and am still learning things what went on for the last 7 years. I am never going to be put through that situation again ever. So you can take all your Okinawa jobs and anything else that has you blinded over there making you think that place is so great, and shove them where the sun doesn't shine cause there is no way I ever wanna want a repeat of that life over there again. Hope you are enjoying that overly crowded miserable dump living on top of landfills...I took pictures of all the trash there and posted it all over the internet here. I left nothing out and exposed that place for what it REALLY is....IT'S NOT THAT GREAT AS PEOPLE SAY IT IS!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if you are a beach person and actually get DARK, or have family over there and your background is from there, but I'm not ANY OF THOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So why would I want to stay in a place that I totally HATE, but everyone else around me is telling me how I"m missing out???? The only thing that I missed out on was being here in the United States of America and missed going to my concerts and hanging out with my friends...I haven't missed Okinawa at all, wow you all are in for a reallllll surprise whenever you do finally leave that place...I hope that you all have nightmares worse than mine....

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Made One Of These Today In My Sewing Class!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO Much Fun!!!!!!!!

I made one of these today in my sewing class...wayyy easy, way fun, and I absolutely loved it...only I'm using mine for my permanent markers instead of crayons...I could use that idea for my students one day, but for me, I put permanent markers Mine is differnt material of course, but this is what it looks like when finished....I chose small pink hearts of course, on clouds, then a half cresent smiling moon among the clouds and stars...very pretty together, and it was soooo much fun to make....I can't wait to do more, once I get caught up on nearly everything....

Monday, October 3, 2011

Was Completely Inspired Tonight In My Art Class By A 3rd Grade Student Telling Me All About Butterflies...Truly Touching!!!!!!!!!!

The Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is a milkweed butterfly (subfamily Danainae), in the family Nymphalidae. It is perhaps the best known of all North American butterflies. Since the 19th century, it has been found in New Zealand, and in Australia since 1871 where it is called the Wanderer.[3][4][5] In Europe it is resident in the Canary Islands, the Azores, and Madeira, and is found as an occasional migrant in Western Europe. Its wings feature an easily recognizable orange and black pattern, with a wingspan of 8.9–10.2 centimetres (3½–4 in).[6] (The Viceroy butterfly has a similar size, color, and pattern, but can be distinguished by an extra black stripe across the hind wing.) Female Monarchs have darker veins on their wings, and the males have a spot called the "androconium" in the center of each hind wing[7] from which pheromones are released. Males are also slightly larger. The Monarch is famous for its southward migration and northward return in summer from Canada to Mexico and Baja California which spans the life of three to four generations of the butterfly.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Anyone Who Works In Security Is Completely WORTHLESS And Has The Worst Attitudes Ever!!!!!!!!!!

Okay!! Another group of people who go on my list under the category as being COMPLETELY WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had my paper to type up for my weekend class today. I got up after 6am to finish my reading, research a few topics on here, then scribble it all out to type out later...I go and get lunch, and am 2 hours early to do my work, and the computer lab in my building is completely closed and locked up. I called security and was talking a million miles a minute, this dope kept interrupting me, but I still kept talking and told him a few times to listen to what I was saying and he got pissed at me and smarted back. He went on and on and on how it wasn't open on Sundays, and I said how I am supposed to do my work I am on a time limit every minute of my life I don't have time for this kind of stupidity and the brain dead potential drug user hangs up on me. I was like okay whatever I'll just go somewhere else but then it was pushing closer and closer to my class time. Someone from security drives up anyways cause I wouldn't stop talking on the phone like someone does when they call the hospital, and this donut eating guy comes walking around like he's so proud of himself, and I tell him my situation, and he's just like "well I can't open it for you either!!!!!!!" I was so mad and had to go all the way to the complete other end of my campus, and my campus is huuuuggge with 2 ponds with geese, and all these buildings I have no idea what they are. I got my assignments typed out, and made it back with like 1 minute to spare. I went and told everyone around me what they did to me, and what they put me through, and of course everyone took my side and said what jerks they are, and they could have opened it and waited for me to finish then lock it back up. I went and told it again, and said I wasn't gonna call securtity there anymore because they were completely worthless and were just in a hurry to get back to sitting and eating different varities of donuts and bags of chips cause they sure don't seem to help with anything else. Wow I never realized what jerks they were until now...most definately uncontrollable bed wetters since they can hardly walk across the floor....I'm still gonna tell that to anyone and everyone to get the word out on how worthless security is!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY TRUST THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh, and by the way, there were others who were in my same situation, and we got it opened anyways to use so security can shove it up their a## cause (ahem) I ALWAYS GET MY WAY LOSERS, SO GET USED TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! SECURITY IS JUST PLAIN EVIL AND ROTTEN AND WANT TO DO NOTHING BUT ARGUE WITH PEOPLE TO PROVE THEY ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!! They had no idea who they were dealing with when they were talking with me!!!!!!!!!!!! Love how I don't back down from such low-lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!