Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank You God For Answering My Prayers!!!!

My dreams about getting to go overseas to teach are slowly starting to make headway..I got back in touch with one of my old school friends I was in middle school with...I couldn't get any responce from her, so I contacted her younger sister. Come to find out, we have the exact same plans on going overseas and teaching and wanting to do mission work with kids in other countries....I almost couldn't believe what I was reading...It will give me a chance to have my own life, away from a secluded, prison like military base, and get to travel to other countries to meet others and make the best memories of a lifetime...She doesn't have kids either, and doesn't like to be tied down and stay in one place, and I am the exact same way...Total match made in heaven...It's hard to believe I get along with my friend's younger sister than I do with my own friend who won't speak to either one of us anymore. Not everyone agrees with the "typical" family life, get married, have kids, and be tied down until your dying day, and that's where the problems set in...even with my I"m glad I found someone else that I can relate to on this issue...

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