Monday, November 28, 2011

Started On Christmas And Hanukkah Gifts!!!!

hi all....not too much to say really...I've been working on the last parts of my project, since I kept putting and putting it off...I should be completely finished by tomorrow in time for my class this week....I seem to work better at things at the very last minute for some reason...The movers are coming next week...I'm soooo grateful to be getting this stuff outta here and it will already be in Alaska when we get there....This time, they are taking 4 entire days to pack us up instead of just one...Yes, most of that is mostly mine...and I've still got more with what I couldn't say no to this year since I moved back...I stopped listening to the word "no" and being told that longgggg ago anyways...Then it will be less than 8 weeks and I'll be moving wonder I can't ever sit still for anything to save my life...I sure hope that I never get called in for jury duty...I wouldn't last 3 minutes for that with as much as I squirm around..Ugghhh and I wouldn't be able to do anything either but just sit there....NOT FOR ME!!!!! I'd rather put a rag doll in my place than go through something like that ever!!!!!!! oh yeah, here is my husband's website if anyone wants to take a look at it...I said I would put it up on mine since I talk so much on here and all my others all the time....not exactly my kind of humour, but to each his own I guess....night everyone I'm starting on Hanukkah and Christmas gifts....doing studies in the day and making gifts at night...again nothing for me all for everyone else!!!

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