Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why Do People With Absolutely NO TEETH At All, Always Have The Most To Say!?!?!

This first one is my absolute favorite....I'm glad I wasn't there or they would have been able to have heard me laughing 3 blocks away...Not sure why I find toothless jokes and humour so funny whenever I have all my teeth and there's nothing wrong with them....this first one is just plain nasty and gross isn't the word for it...

I was at a bar in Alabama that had a 3 tooth minimum and they had one of those take a penny leave a penny change cups by the door. But theirs had teeth in it for people that were a tooth or so short.

Not quite a joke, but it happened."

"BITE ME" ohh wait you cant you have no teeth!!!!!!! hahahahahahhaha "

How do you know that the toothbrush was invented by a baby? Otherwise, it would be called a "TEETH brush".

OK. When I first heard this joke, babies weren't the inventors, but I didn't want to offend anyone. >>>>> ~~~~~wow, that guy sure doesn't know what he is talking about...I totally live for this kind of humour, and that wasn't even that funny...what is wrong with people anymore so scared to death they are gonna make someone else mad...I stopped worrying about that years ago.... :p

your mommas so toothless,she got a job at dominoes by just goin in there and smiling.

[get it?her mouth is missing some teeth,so its black and white] ( pretty dumb if you ask me...ugggh I need to bring my friends from England in on this issue...they would come up with stuff in a minute without even having to think about it twice about offending anyone.....

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

These People In These Cities Can Keep Their Misery, I Prefer To Keep My Happiness Forever Now That I'm OUT OF Japan For Eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The World's Saddest Cities...

Well, I don't exactly understand how Oklahoma City made this list, but at least we aren't right up at the top and got "F" like Florida did several times...People seem pretty happy here to me, and I'm not sure either why Alaska is on this list either, unless some people there find anything to complain about just to complain...Well this just goes to show and also to prove that no matter where you go in the world, you are bound to find miserable people anywhere....I so don't want to be around people in that state of mind, cause I am NOTHING like that!! Funny how Oklahoma City, (where I am living now), and Anchorage, Alaska (where I am moving to) are right next to each other... (#26 and #27) lol I find a joke in just about everything.... ;) xxxxxx

100. St. Petersburg, FL F
99. Detroit, MI F
98. Memphis, TN F
97. Tampa, FL F
96. Louisville, KY F
95. St. Louis, MO F
94. Birmingham, AL F
93. Miami, FL F
92. Reno, NV F
91. Las Vegas, NV F


90. Toledo, OH F
89. Bakersfield, CA F
88. Jacksonville, FL F
87. Atlanta, GA F
86. Winston-Salem, NC F
85. Sacramento, CA F
84. Cincinnati, OH D-
83. Phoenix, AZ D-
82. Orlando, FL D-
81. Washington, DC D-


80. Wilmington, DE D-
79. Greensboro, NC D-
78. Jackson, MS D-
77. Columbia, SC D
76. Newark, NJ D
75. Fresno, CA D
74. Cleveland, OH D
73. Kansas City, MO D
72. Chicago, IL D
71. Riverside, CA D


70. Albuquerque, NM D
69. Portland, OR D
68. Richmond, VA D
67. Tucson, AZ D
66. Milwaukee, WI D
65. Los Angeles, CA D+
64. Denver, CO D+
63. Colorado Springs, CO D+
62. Providence, RI D+
61. Oakland, CA D+


60. Philadelphia, PA D+
59. Nashville, TN D+
58. El Paso, TX D+
57. Charlotte, NC D+
56. Aurora, CO D+
55. Little Rock, AR D+
54. Charleston, WV D+
53. Stockton, CA C-
52. Baltimore, MD C-
51. Baton Rouge, LA C-


50. Indianapolis, IN C-
49. Houston, TX C-
48. Dallas, TX C-
47. Seattle, WA C-
46. Fort Wayne, IN C-
45. Boise City, ID C-
44. New Orleans, LA C-
43. Fort Worth, TX C-
42. Norfolk, VA C
41. Tulsa, OK C


40. Pittsburgh, PA C
39. New York, NY C
38. Bridgeport, CT C
37. Buffalo, NY C
36. Columbus, OH C
35. Corpus Christi, TX C
34. San Diego, CA C
33. San Antonio, TX C+
32. Wichita, KS C+
31. Santa Ana, CA C+


30. Cheyenne, WY C+
29. Lubbock, TX C+
28. Billings, MT C+
27. Oklahoma City, OK B-
26. Anchorage, AK B-
25. Laredo, TX B-
24. Durham, NC B-
23. Salt Lake City, UT B-
22. Lexington, KY B-
21. Raleigh, NC B-


20. San Francisco, CA B
19. Austin, TX B
18. Jersey City, NJ B
17. Des Moines, IA B
16. Portland, ME B
15. San Jose, CA B
14. Minneapolis, MN B+
13. Chesapeake, VA B+
12. Virginia Beach, VA A-
11. Lincoln, NE A-
10. Plano, TX A-
9. Burlington, VT A-
8. St. Paul, MN A-
7. Sioux Falls, SD A-
6. Madison, WI A-
5. Boston, MA A-
4. Omaha, NE A
3. Fargo, ND A
2. Manchester, NH A
1. Honolulu, HI A+

Monday, November 28, 2011

Started On Christmas And Hanukkah Gifts!!!!

hi all....not too much to say really...I've been working on the last parts of my project, since I kept putting and putting it off...I should be completely finished by tomorrow in time for my class this week....I seem to work better at things at the very last minute for some reason...The movers are coming next week...I'm soooo grateful to be getting this stuff outta here and it will already be in Alaska when we get there....This time, they are taking 4 entire days to pack us up instead of just one...Yes, most of that is mostly mine...and I've still got more with what I couldn't say no to this year since I moved back...I stopped listening to the word "no" and being told that longgggg ago anyways...Then it will be less than 8 weeks and I'll be moving wonder I can't ever sit still for anything to save my life...I sure hope that I never get called in for jury duty...I wouldn't last 3 minutes for that with as much as I squirm around..Ugghhh and I wouldn't be able to do anything either but just sit there....NOT FOR ME!!!!! I'd rather put a rag doll in my place than go through something like that ever!!!!!!! oh yeah, here is my husband's website if anyone wants to take a look at it...I said I would put it up on mine since I talk so much on here and all my others all the time....not exactly my kind of humour, but to each his own I guess....night everyone I'm starting on Hanukkah and Christmas gifts....doing studies in the day and making gifts at night...again nothing for me all for everyone else!!!

Our Beautiful Bricktown In Downtown Oklahoma City For The Christmas Season 2011....

Venice, Italia, you still will always be #1 with me!!!! This still reminds me greatly of riding the gondolas there in Venice whenever I went there twice!!!! This is only a small part of our downtown....This is my most favourite part of the entire city...My next favourite is Checotah....such a beautiful part of the state and am going to miss all of this greatly...After this month is over with, I will only have 2more months left here...Bittersweet actually but I soooo want my own life back and my own place back again.....

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happiness Is...

that this month is ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******one of my former students is on Facebook singing part of this song...I have never heard of it, but I was really impressed she could sing so well and remembered all the words...I wouldn't dream of posting a video of myself singing on Facebook or anywhere else on here....I know people too well these days, and no telling where that would end up...playing on a big-screen tv at some drunken club that I have no desire to be a part of with everyone getting their jollies from I'm glad my students are much more braver than I am!!!!!!!! I don't want to be famous anyways....I'd much rather see someone else get all the fame and glory rather than little ole me...I couldn't stand all that attention and all the staring at me from people I don't even know....sooooo not for me!!!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

How Great Thou Art!!!

Art really is truly Amazing and outstandingly Beautiful...Look around at the part of the world that you're in, and it is just simply breath-taking...This song says it all..I grew up with it, and this is the best version that I have ever heard in my entire life...I'm so proud that Carrie Underwood and I are both from the great state of Oklahoma, and that I finally got to see Checotah where she's from....I can't wait to go back there before I move.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!!!

Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day
We bow our hearts to You and pray.
We give You thanks for all You've done
Especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son.
For beauty in nature, Your glory we see
For joy and health, friends and family,
For daily provision, Your mercy and care
These are the blessings You graciously share.
So today we offer this response of praise
With a promise to follow You all of our days. Amen ♥

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank You God For Answering My Prayers!!!!

My dreams about getting to go overseas to teach are slowly starting to make headway..I got back in touch with one of my old school friends I was in middle school with...I couldn't get any responce from her, so I contacted her younger sister. Come to find out, we have the exact same plans on going overseas and teaching and wanting to do mission work with kids in other countries....I almost couldn't believe what I was reading...It will give me a chance to have my own life, away from a secluded, prison like military base, and get to travel to other countries to meet others and make the best memories of a lifetime...She doesn't have kids either, and doesn't like to be tied down and stay in one place, and I am the exact same way...Total match made in heaven...It's hard to believe I get along with my friend's younger sister than I do with my own friend who won't speak to either one of us anymore. Not everyone agrees with the "typical" family life, get married, have kids, and be tied down until your dying day, and that's where the problems set in...even with my I"m glad I found someone else that I can relate to on this issue...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Peace and Harmony"

While I was packing, and unpacking other things to pack up again...(believe me, it NEVER ends!!!) I found this newspaper clip that I saved, but it still hasn't made it in my scrapbook yet...And just for the record, I'm not into boxing or wrestling of any kind!!! Been listening to musicals since I got up this morning and started again with this packing mess...I move in less than 8 weeks now...I can hardly sleep at night sometimes....Sooooo ready to start a new life in a new place...I GET TO TRAVEL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Story of my life!!! TOTALLY LOVE IT THOUGH!!!!!

"IN a boxing ring, when a fighter is too battered and weak to go on, his trainer throws a white towel on the mat to show that he concedes. That's where the term "throw in the towel" comes from. We also use it to talk about frustrating situation we don't want to battle anymore. It might be a relationship that's going nowhere, a dead-end job or a foreign language you're studying but just can't seem to master. Then you say, "I'm about to throw in the towel." But sometimes years and even decades go by, and you're still clutching that same old towel. Most of the time the boxers don't want to stop the fight, but the trainer knows letting it go on would be too dangerous, and could hurt the boxer for the rest of his life. In the same way, you should get out of the ring in time to avoid serious emotional, mental and physical wounds that could do permanent damage. Just like a boxer, it's really hard for us to give up. We think quitting something means we failed, we're weak. For example, if you "throw in the towel" after years of marriage, you feel like a failure, of if you're forced to close a business you started, you feel like a loser. As a motivational speaker, I'm always encouraging everyone to never give up, since perserverance is one of the keys to success. But we still have to be able to recognize those situations when we really ought to say, "It is time to quit!!" The question is: how do you really know it's time to give up? There are three reasons to "throw in the towel"; because you know in your heart something just isn't right for you, because you've lost interest, or simply because you've had it up to here!! Stop wasting your time, energy or money on something that's never going to get any better. IF you gave it your best and did everything that you possibly could to change things and still nothing improved, it's time to get out before it's too late. Quitting doesn't mean losing, it's more like an act of courage when you admit that a certain relationship, dream or desire isn't working out, and you should let it go. Accept there are some things in life that are not going to work no matter how much you beg, and plead and struggle, but something better will come along. Let go of what's not good for you so you can make room in your life for the things that really are meant to be. Only surround yourself with what brings you peace and harmony."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"If You Ever Find A Moment...Spare A Thought For Me!!!!!!"

I've studied opera since high school, and have been working on this song ever since then...I just don't have the courage to perform cause I'm scared to death on a stage!!!!!!!!! maybe in another country where they don't understand English very well, but definately not here in the United States!!! beautiful song though, and have had it memorized for years now!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I Dreamed I Went To Heaven!!!!

"I dreamed I went to Heaven, and you were there with me....we walked along the streets of gold...beside the crystal sea..."

Friday, November 18, 2011

Today I Found The Bluebird Of Happiness....

I'm not sure how many have heard of the story of "the bluebird of happiness." I saw this movie when I was growing up and absolutely LOVED it. We went back out to my grandparents farm today, (one last time for me, since it will be sold off next year...My parents don't want it, I definately don't want it, I'm not going to start farming on 130 acres of land, not knowing a single thing about living on a farm...I wouldn't last 1 day doing that, and would catch a ride with someone to the nearest big city....) we almost didn't go, because of time limits, and trying to make it back, it's so far, etc...etc...something made me want to see it one more time, since I won't be back here for several years after we move again. I walked in and opened the door, and there was a small bird flying all over the place. It kept flying into windows, and falling back down. I went over to it, and looked at it, and it was a a solid blue bird. Absolutely beautiful. I have seen them from a distance, we don't have too many of them here in Oklahoma...if we do, they are in different parts of the state, not here in the city...I picked it up and it didn't fight me at all..I couldn't believe I had found a bluebird and remembered the story of the "bluebird of happiness" and I was actually holding one...I held onto it a little while, knowing that I would have to set it free...I was so glad that I came back to the house there and found it...I took a few pictures with the bluebird I found, and was so fascinated by its beautiful color...I went back outside and a little into our woods, kissed it good-bye, put him in a tree, and watched him fly high off into the tall trees...I looked at it as also a comfort from my grandparents who have both passed remain happy no matter what, happiness really is found at home, and inside of you, and not by worldly things...I feel so lucky to have found a bluebird, and actually got to hold everyone who isn't familiar with the story of the "bluebird of happiness" it really is an inspiring one, and I'm so glad that it happened to me finally....


The first mention that we know of the Bluebird of Happiness is in a Nobel Prize winning play for young people written by Maurice Maeterlinck entitled L'Oiseau Bleu, written in the early 20th century. In an imaginary fairy-tale setting, the son and daughter of a modest woodcutter, Tyltyl and Mytyl, are sent out by a fairy to search all of the world for the Bluebird of Happiness.

The children visit the ends of the earth; the Land of Memory, the Palace of Night, and the Kingdom of the Future. Only when Tyltyl and Mytyl return home do they discover that the Bluebird has been in their bird cage the whole time. Tyltyl gives the bird to a neighbor child who has been ill and the bird flies away. True happiness, the children learn, is usually found close to home. It comes from making the journey, not from reaching the destination. Happiness, as the moral of the story imparts, comes from seeking rather than from finding. Happiness comes from an unselfish life, without thought or motive of reward.

The Bluebird of Happiness story was made into a Shirley Temple movie in 1940. In 1975 a elaborate remake of the movie was made and released in 1976, which was the first co-produced film by the United States and the Soviet Union.

Bluebirds, native to North America, Bermuda and near islands, continually sings a sweet and inviting song. We think of joy, togetherness, love and the freshness and promise of Spring. The Bluebird, as a simple and thoughtful gift, are given to remind us of good wishes for marriages, anniversaries and house warmings. The traditional Bluebird is known as the bird found close to home.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Now I Can Finally Live Up To This Song!!!!!!!!!!

I got to see the GORGEOUS DOWNTOWN city of Memphis, Tennessee today and couldn't get enough of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I definately want to take a vacation to Memphis and Nashville sometime!!!!!!!!!!! Oh how I've missed them terribly!!!!!! I haven't been back here since I was a kid, and didn't realize how much I've missed them!!!!!!!!! I got to see most of downtown Memphis,St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital for kids who are diagnosed with cancers, and the houses going through the main part of town absolutely outstanding....I wished I could stay in Tennessee the rest of the year until I have to move and just split my time up between Memphis, and Nashville....I was sooo heartbroken leaving Tennessee, then entering Mississippi..That state didn't do much for me, so I'm glad it only took an hour to drive through it....It sooooooooooooooo cold here now!!!!!! We reached Alabama finally and are going to our family farm tomorrow..Can't wait to see it again since it will be my last time...such bittersweet feelings and memories...(you can see how far we drove...look on the map and find Wichita, Kansas, and Oklahoma is right below Kansas...Memphis is in RED, and Nashville is more further over to the right, and I absolutely LOVE both of those big cities..I can't make up my mind ever which place (BIG CITIES), that I LOVE the most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are allll sooo magnificent!!! Well everyone knows what my weakness is now!!! Just show me or bring me to a big city and I'm gone!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

America The Beautiful...Oh How I've Missed You!!!!!!!!!!!

The first 2 images are of Checotah, Oklahoma...up in Eastern Oklahoma...about 100 miles from the city where I'm living this year...The other 2 are of Arkansas...I'm sooo thankful that I get to see these beautful sites before I move to Alaska, since I have a feeling that we won't be driving for awhile.... ;)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Expect The "Unexpected"...But Don't Give Up!!!

Well plans and other things all fell through for this week, and not too sure about next week it looks like I'm here to stay for this week at least....That's kind of a relief to me, not having to worry about finding a place to connect just to get online cause I feel sick when I can't get on here to keep in touch with everyone...xoxoxoxo It finally turned cold here, and we're having rain and it's like 68 degress....We were having over 70 degree weather up until yesterday...I can never hardly wait for this kind of weather cause it feel soooo nice after being on a very hot and humid island....The good thing about not leaving this week, is that I don't have to miss my class, and can finish working on my end of semester project...I'm almost finished with it...just 3 more parts to go, but I would rather sleep than work on a paper that seems to be never ending, since the other parts of it are already over 30 pages....I'm not going to any of my "fun" classes this week, I really have to disipline myself and work on nothing but that until I'm totally finished with it...So look forward to chatting with a few more of you than I've been able to this whole year because of my classes...Only about 4 more weeks to go and I'll be done...I've been counting since I started this semester cause it's just been so much and getting ready to move in like 10 weeks now...taking you all with me of course so don't worry.... :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

So Happy To Have ALL My TEETH!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight while driving home, I heard one of the most funniest stories that I have ever heard in my life...I ended up laughing so hard that I caused my nose to start bleeding, and then threw up in the shower..I haven't ever laughed that hard, not even when I was with my friends....OMG my stomach is still hurting cause of so much lack of oxygen....Someone in my family told a story about one of the in-laws only had one front tooth, and made the comment saying "hey, when are you gonna get that tooth fixed????" and said they got mad at them and still won't speak to this day...I still can't stop laughing when I talk about it, cause you just don't say that to someone, but OMG that was sooo funny.....It's been over an hour, and I still can't stop coughing...Oh wow I can't wait to tell this at dinner sometime....I think I gotta lay down, I'm actually feeling light-headed now from lack of oxygen and have a huge headache...Well that's gonna go down in history for me for laughing so hard over such a stupid story....I can't believe someone would stay mad over something that funny that was said over 20 something years ago...oh wow how I've missed moments like these....never had them the whole time I was in Italy or Japan...that was just beyond funny.....

Mithing Tooth
I'm having trouble thpeaking,
thinthe I lotht my middle tooth.
Jutht yethterday my tooth wath fine --
today it wiggled loothe.

At firtht I thought it thilly,
when my tooth fell out today,
But no one theems to underthtand
a thingle word I thay.

I athked my mom to clothe the door,
she thaid "That would be rude.
The door does not like wearing clothes;
it's happy in the nude."

I thaid a mouthe wath in my room
and she should come and thee.
She thaid "your mouth is on your face;
it's right where it should be."

I wonder if you underthtand
the thircumthtanthe I'm in.
I told her I wath feeling thick.
She thaid "you're looking thin."

At latht she thaw how mad I wath,
And thought I might thtop breathing.
She laughed and thaid she didn't mean it --
She wath only teething.
--Kenn Nesbitt

Friday, November 11, 2011

My First Humanitarian Project....

I am just hours away from going to help out build a playground for the kids here in Oklahoma in our downtown area by our Oklahoma River...Absoultely can not wait since this is the type of work I want to be doing the rest of my life overseas since I'm not an office type person...I don't like the enclosed buildings, rumors, rotten atttudes, and being with the same boring people day after day when it's very clear we don't like one another, and don't get along to start with....So I'm not gonna push something that I don't even want to be around...I hope to be doing more and more things like this, now that I'm back in a normal society back in the states, and out of a psychotic nothing island around people who were always mad....I talked with someone last night who taught Latin at a University, mostly what medical and law students have to take, and honestly they were the first one I've told that to in this country. I haven't told anyone else here, and not even my family knows or my husabnd. I know not everyone is gonna take it well, but I can't help with people being mad...There's a lot of things I don't like either, and I still have to go through them....So even though I'm not gonna hammer any nails, cause I can't build anything to save my life, and I definately can't hammer a nail in straight, I'm still thrilled to be a part of it and possibly be in the newspaper.... :) will show pictures when I get them!!!

Happy November 11th, 2011!!! (a.k.a. 11-11-11!!!!!!!!)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sweaters In Afganistan????

So this is well interesting and funny whenever I stopped and thought about it....During one of my many outings today, sitting and waiting again of course, I was working on one of my many on-going crochet projects...I can't read, cause people won't leave me alone on what I'm reading, what it's about, what part am I on, am I enjoying it, why do I read such deep discussions on human life and whatever, or go on to tell me, how they can't stand to read or don't have the patience for it, or start talking to me about science-fiction stuff, and that's when I want to scream cause why are they talking to me in the first place when we have nothing to talk about??? I think they just like to hear the sound of their voice and jabbering on about themselves like I care when I don't even know who they are...So I try and do something that is as low key as possible, without drawing the unwanted attention all to me, and having the entire room watch everything that I'm doing...Highly annoying by the way...I'm working on my project, not really paying attention to anyone, and then just some random guy belts out to me " So, are you knitting a SWEATER for the soldiers over in AFGHANISTAN!?!?!" I just told them "no it's a blanket," and left it at that and kept on...All I get in response is a very surprised "OH!!!!!" I then stopped what I was doing, and thought back on this comment.....WHY WOULD I OR ANYONE WOULD BE MAKING SWEATERS FOR SOLDIERS IN AFGHANISTAN!?!?! IT'S A FREAKING DESERT!!!!!!!!!! I could not stop laughing, and kept getting some pretty weird stares and had to get up and leave until I got control...I was just like Wow, these comments get dumber and dumber every time I go out in public....I'm definitely going to have to have all these published one day there's too many good ones to just forget about...I still can't stop laughing that was the 2nd funniest comment I've heard all week beside the "sometimes I crawl under my bed and pretend that I'm a carrot" one on that ridiculous Twilight movie page....I laughed so hard on that I felt sick to my stomach almost....And by the way, get it right, I was crocheting, not knitting...there IS a DIFFERENCE!!! well I know what the dinner conversation is going to be tomorrow night when everyone starts talking...I just couldn't stand to leave something like that out.....gotta love me when I get around huge groups so I can tell hilarious stories like that one, and have everyone roaring with laughter then...sooo much fun

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This Sounds Like Something I Would Say...Oh Wait I Already Have Before...

That is A LOT more easier said than it can be done!!!! When I go to a class, I expect to go to a class and actually learn something, and get ahead...Not sit there and listen to other people complain for 2-3 and a half hours about their life...I didn't realize how bad of a mood that gets me in, so I'm not going for the rest of the month...possibly the rest of the year...Of course, this isn't one of my college classes...this is just one of my fun classes, but it isn't any fun when other people you absolutely can't stand just come and complain the whole entire time about this and that, and I don't even know, cause I always get up and walk out and leave...I can't take's a class not a therapy session!!!! Psychiatrists get paid over $100 an hour or more for just sitting there listening to everyone else's problems and how they screwed their life up...I'm not cut out to be one of them...It depresses me beyond belief to sit there trying to learn a new skill, and the whole entire time, have this person talking and talking non-stop about one problem after another....So I'm not going to put myself through that and let them manipulate me by throwing their problems all over the place complaining non-stop about just everything...I don't like myself when I get in these bad moods, and being around people like that surely doesn't help any!!!!!!!!!!! We all know the type, I'm sure...We've gone to school with them, worked with them, had to stand in lines with them, been in restaurants with them, out in public, and they start throwing a fit over something wanting the whole world to stop and tend to their little problem...One thing is for sure though, I can definately learn more on my own, than trying to sit there and pick something up with someone else complaining how the gravel on the street was out of place....really people, get a life and grow up...there are much bigger problems in the world than that, or worrying that the water isn't going down the drain fast enough, and it will flood the house when you're asleep...really get real....So even though I'm not able to tell the real reason to everyone else I'm in class with, I can vent it out on here all I want...I've got to finish up my end of semester project anyways, not be sitting there 3 hours doing leisurely activities listening to someone else complain..There is just only so many times that you can tolerate to keep getting up and escaping to the a 96% A on my mid-term by the way!!!!!!!!!!! soooo happy!!!!!!! night everyone!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Funny How The People Who Hardly Know You, Always Have The Most To Say About You... BEST COMMENTS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL LAUGH UNTIL YOU AREN'T ABLE TO BREATHE!!!! I am under the name "Italia Forever...." :) sometimes I crawl under my bed and pretend I am a carrot.... this was the #1 rated comment...I laughed so hard I made myself feel sick....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thought I Wasn't Gonna Experience Earthquakes Anymore, But I Just Did & This Wasn't My First!!!!!!!

Earthquake: 3 Temblors Rattle Oklahoma

Three small earthquakes rattled central Oklahoma early today.

The quakes ranged from 2.7 to 4.7 in magnitude, with the first temblor hitting the region at 2:12 a.m., according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

While there were no injuries or major damage, residents reported feeling the shaking.

"It shook for a long time ... you could feel the whole house shaking and we could hear the dishes rattling in the kitchen too," said Jim Greff, city manager of Prague, which is about six miles away from the epicenter of the quakes and 50 miles east of Oklahoma City.

Claudie Morton, a police dispatcher in Prague told ABC News Radio that it "felt like the ceiling was going to cave in, the building shook, the windows and glass rattled..."

But some people didn't even feel the quakes.

Jess Anshutz, who manages a bar in Oklahoma City, said he didn't even realize there was an earthquake until someone texted him about it.

"It just kind of jolted and scared people but from what I've heard, there's not any damage at all," Anshutz said.