Friday, December 30, 2011


UGGGHHHH ANYONE who knows me at all, knows very very well that I absolutely can not stand FROGS!!!! I am deathly afraid of them like you wouldn't believe, and fish and birds are the same way for me...I can't explain it, but it's true...I still can't figure out why on earth I was invaded by a simi nightmare about frogs last night/early this morning not sure where I was actually HOLDING one of those things (a frog) in one of these wooden box things with holes cut out the back...The frog didn't want to be in there, and somehow worked its way out of one of the holes, and into my lap, and it seemed sooooo real, and scared me out of my mind, that I sat up in bed screaming...It took me a minute to realize it wasn't for real but my heart was still pounding and I was shaking like crazy still thinking that frog was somehow on me somewhere. That is how terrified I am of yeah, I would NEVER make it on a ridiculous nature hike ever...I looked it up on here what it means when you dream about frogs, and WHY WAS I DREAMING ABOUT THEM, WHENEVER I'M SCARED TO PIECES OF THEM!!!?!? this is the best they could come up with!?!?

"The frog represents emotional and spiritual changes. Seeing a frog is a good omen for love and money matters..."

Okay whatever, just keep them away from me so I don't scream again thinking there is a frog on me somewhere...I don't even want to touch them or them touching me or I go into a complete panic....That frog incident over in Italy should have never happened to me, cause I'm still deeply haunted by it...

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