Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Not A Business Person AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had soooo much fun going with my friend to some Christmas party where I didn't even know anyone...Some company that she became involved in called "Premerica" something about selling Life Insurance Policies, and I have no idea what else...NOT FOR ME...I about died from boredom just listening to someone trying to explain it to me....OMG that is sooo not for me...I just went to go cause I heard the word "party" mentioned and I dropped everything else and got ready then it was a 3 hour drive to it but it was great...Nothing I would care to get into, you build up your own team and all this other whatever and I stopped them mid-sentence and was like "umm I've waaaayyy tooo much personality for this and I'm soooo not a business person at all..I want to talk all the time about anything and everything but that"...I got asked who's "team" was I on...Me, always thinking the total opposite, not business minded at all, always thinking fun and not boring or being around people who bore me etc...etc....thinks that they are talking about COLLEGE FOOTBALL TEAMS...Of course I say "OSU" (my University that I just recently completed going to all year...)"Orange and Black all the way baby"... I then had the entire table cracking up laughing. I had no idea what I just said that was so funny...Then they explain what they meant by team...But it was a good ice breaker.....My pics for that won't be on here until sometime next year along with all my others cause I have no idea what happened to the cd that my husband sent me...I got to packing, and now I can't find it anywhere...It was pics all the way back from Japan when I was at Tokyo Disneyland before the huge earthquake...Well fun can't stay away when I'm around I had a blast with others I didn't even know...The best thing about it was none of them were military and had this "holier than thou" attitude towards me...Oh how I haven't missed being around them at all this year...I've avoided them every chance I got and haven't missed it at all...I LOVE BEING BACK IN NORMAL SOCIETY WITH NORMAL FUNCTIONING PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR!!!!!!!!!! Go OSU...(and I'm not talking about Ohio...ugh those states with only 4 letters to them are like a 4 letter cuss word to me because they are so boring...) I can say what I want on here, my opinions my blog, my page, my life....

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