Monday, December 19, 2011

A Huge Thank You To My Friends Who Shared Music With Me!!!!!!!

I loved all of these, and couldn't make up my mind on which one to put on here!!! Thanks soo much for the ones who shared music with me, and some of the favourite songs that you enjoy!!! The Faith Hill ones are mine that I couldn't keep quiet about, and want everyone else to hear them as well..As soon as I find out how to do it, I'm totally changing my name dropping my first name, moving my middle name Suzanne to be my first name, and adopting the name "Faith" as my new middle name whenever I figure out how to do that...Yes I'm that obsessed with music artists to drop a part of my name and name myself after them because I admire them so much...I've been using that name Faith for years it's just not "legal" yet... ;)

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