Monday, April 9, 2012

Sooo Great...

I'm soooo happy that me and my past students feel exactly the same about Japan...when I saw this, I wanted to cry...thanks sooooooooooo much you all!!!!!!! no wonder we got along sooo well but I always had to appear "happy" no matter what and couldn't vent out my problems in front of hard to do when I felt like yelling and screaming and crying cause I was sooo miserable....

"so hard it rlly iz escially not 2 get mad at nobody 2night i miss mi auntie i hate it here i ready 2 go NOW..." "sorry tht i am taken mi anger out on u nt the best days-" amazing how we felt exactly the same but could never discuss it...I really don't expect to hear that much if at all up here in sad that they are going through that though...I know the feelings exactly and it hurts in the worst way ever...

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