Saturday, April 28, 2012

4 Entire Pages Of Happy Birthday Messages!!!!

I had such an incredible day's so hard to believe now that it's nearly over!!!!!!! I had soo much fun today going out in the big city of Anchorage...Now I am just so tired I wanna cry almost...I just want to go to bed and sleep!!! I got a new kitten today from the Anchorage Animal Shelter here..I've never adopted before, but it was a lot more easier than expected and I seem to have gotten the sweetest one, since the one that I have now, is the only one that came to me out of the 3 other ones...I will try and get pics on here tomorrow...she hasn't been cooperating much and everytime that I go to take a pic, she turns her head, or the pic just turns out blurry b/c of movement...I will try a few more times though!!! thank u everyone who sent me birthday  messages!!! I am truly touched!!!!!!!!!

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