Sunday, April 29, 2012

Well Said!!!!!!!!!!!

will start adding pics on here again tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

4 Entire Pages Of Happy Birthday Messages!!!!

I had such an incredible day's so hard to believe now that it's nearly over!!!!!!! I had soo much fun today going out in the big city of Anchorage...Now I am just so tired I wanna cry almost...I just want to go to bed and sleep!!! I got a new kitten today from the Anchorage Animal Shelter here..I've never adopted before, but it was a lot more easier than expected and I seem to have gotten the sweetest one, since the one that I have now, is the only one that came to me out of the 3 other ones...I will try and get pics on here tomorrow...she hasn't been cooperating much and everytime that I go to take a pic, she turns her head, or the pic just turns out blurry b/c of movement...I will try a few more times though!!! thank u everyone who sent me birthday  messages!!! I am truly touched!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Love This Every Time!!!!!!!!

it's funny how this is going around right before my birthday...I've heard & seen this a million times, but it's just as funny to me everytime I see it again like it's the first time everytime...also, to laugh even more, go to that website posts stuff like this cake mess up everyday...I wish I got a cake like that...mine have never been messed up ever and I would love it...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

When You Have Nothing Else To Give...Try A Kiss...

I watched this movie tonight that was based over in Ireland and couldn't believe how much I enjoyed it, whenever I don't watch foreign films ever...I thought that it was very sad but sweet, and wish that this sort of thing would happen more often since everyone everywhere seems to be fighting these days...


(cause I seem to have them everywhere that I go...oh well...)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"There's Somethin' About A KISS That's Gonna Lead To More!!"

gotta listen to my song now before I leave for the day...funny how I never heard this last year on my radio station from playing the same ones over and over again...have a good day all...xxxxxxoox

Still soooooooooo Happy To Be Totally OUT Of Japan...

Good Warning!!!

I know this doesn't just mean Okinawa,and mainland Japan, but they are the first ones on my list!!!!!!!
so I really do hope that this never applies to me, cause I would go broke before the end of the first day....

Monday, April 16, 2012

4 Latest Songs Played On My Music Channel...

So True...

Love Logics!!!

I Did ALL Of These!!!!!!!!!!!!

So True...

Can't Beat This...

yeah, I couldn't tell anyone that they had to do something about their teeth or their breath, just like I'm not able to tell others that they seriously need to take a shower...I leave that up for someone else to fight with them about...I just stay away from them altogether...cheeky I know, but I really don't care...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

One Of The Best Songs Ever...

yes I know, I say that about every song that I put on here...yes, I know the whole thing of course... ;) I just changed the "beer" part to "Coke" for me... :) xxx

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I got 2 Easter sacks after Easter service a few days back...they had the chocolate bunnies, one milk chocolate, one white chocolate, some Easter candy, then I found 2 boxes of cookies, no problem...I pulled them out, and one was mint covered in problem on that one either, and then the other one was shortbread cookies they dipped in chocolate, and then TOTALLY RUINED THE WHOLE THING BY DIPPING THEM ALL IN COCONUT....I hate coconut, I won't even look at the stuff, so I had nooooo problem giving those nasty things up...if they had been JUST PLAIN, I wouldn't have minded it, but they had to go and throw coconut on there and make our lives more miserable...I'm over the whole cookie was just Easter and I don't like to find things like that that I absolutely can not stand....I hear my group calling it's interesting to talk and talk and talk to others about stuff that you can't stand...I know what my next conversation is going to be about...oh and OMG, just look on what they did to my Twix....I haven't seen these up here in Alaska, but I sure hope that we don't get them, because usually everyone else likes that kind of stuff but me...when they throw coconut on or in anything it just ruins it and makes the whole thing just plain nasty....I wish the stuff would have never been thought of...