Wednesday, May 23, 2012

so I can feel another argument coming up in the next 24 hours...I've been through this too many times not to know any I hope to meet native Alaskans since the people that I have to live around are 100% psychotic...everyone please stay away from crazy people and total liars..this isn't new to me so I really don't care at's just hurtful being new but having to put up with the same kind of lousy attitudes all over again...I'm sure there will be way better people at my University next year...we have another shipment that got here from Italy that is scheduled to be delivered next week...over 2,000 pounds...2 wooden crates full of I have no idea what...everything from Italy and I can't even remember what that stuff was now...back from I will be right back where I was at whenever we first moved here...I have a book that I found from Italy that I managed to ahold of called "After the Boxes Are Unpacked..." not sure how much I will be in the mood to read something like that cause after awhile that stuff just makes me mad since it won't go away and I never want to mess with it...hope to chat with some of you soon...stay away from total idiots..they're not worth it!!!!!!

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