Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Cinco De Mayo 2012!!!!

My Cinco De Mayo was amazing by the way!!! We saw a moose on the side of the road running like crazy to get back into the woods, and was confused since the fence was blocking the woods on his right...there were more woods across the street, so hopefully he figured it out!!!!!! Then still driving, everyone had their cars stopped and pulled over on each side of the roads, and were running back and forth across the street, and we didn't know what was going on, then we found out there were 2 bears across the lake...just 2 little black dots but first time that I've ever seen wild bears ever...they came down to the creek to get a drink, and we watched them for a bit, and they kept looking at us, but then went back up into the woods, and the sweet black baby bear followed...I really hope to see more of these wild Alaskan animals since the winter has ended, but it's still chilly here...such a great experience...I love living here and never ever wanna leave!!!!!!!!!!!!

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