Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I miss my Venice, Italy soooooooo badly now...This is the image that I remember from the 2 hour gondola ride, and also through the canals, under bridges, and seeing the hundreds of houses directly built on the water that were hundreds of years old and still kept bars on the windows when gypsies were a big deal....great memories!!! The other 2 are pretty self-explanatory...can't wait to start my University classes again next year and actually start working again...the rest of my entire year is completely shot, and I can't belive that we're already in the month of May...crazy how we just got here 2 months ago...It's staying light here now until 10:30pm..soon it will stay light both day and I'm finally beginning to understand Alaska's motto "Land Of The Midnight Sun..." I'd rather have that over 113 degree heat anyday...

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