Monday, May 21, 2012

Anyone Else Know About This???

I was already aware of this, but it's difficult to remember everything that it's included in...very scary whenever they group these all in one and we can see just how scary this is in everyday stuff that we never even think about...I haven't touched chewing gum since I was a kid, so no need to worry about that one...also the others as well!!!!!! I have flavoured water, but it's clear and natural water with fruit flavouring not artificial flavouring...cereal doesn't have that if it's organic..I won't touch milk no  matter what...I have those nasty protein shake things to mix up with what I have to, then dump the rest out...the rest I won't touch at all!!! diet sodas I knew weren't good with that chemical in them, and they also add air in your stomach from the carbonation. It seems that I do this sort of thing more and more each and every week cause I'm so scared to death on what to have anymore with stuff like this going around...I had that sugar free junk before, and it gave me splitting headaches...never again, and I didn't care how it tasted anyways...just to give everyone else a warning as well!!! to get even more of an even bigger truth, watch the documentary dvd, "SUPER SIZE  ME" & also "FAST FOOD NATION..." I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one like this in the world...

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