Thursday, May 31, 2012

"Hello Kitty, Play with us today.
We'll laugh and sing on this lovely sunny day.
All your friends are waiting for you, ready to run and play.
Everyone will gather round. This is what they'll say:
"When we see your friendly smile, you brighten up our day."
Oh! Hello, Hello Kitty, Hello's your friend.
Your smile is pretty like a flower that's in bloom.
Love is in your heart. It sings a happy tune.
Hello, Hello Kitty. Play with us today." lol noooo I did not write this!!! I found it on a website for weird modeling pics with one of the models dressed like hello kitty and then Hello Kitty images all around...heck, I'll just put it on here!!! not sure if someone was complimenting that, or making fun of it, but I thought it was nifty what they came up with...I've got every one of those Hello Kitty things by the way...I'm out of room now but I'm still finding more here in Alaska...


Dear God,
please discontinue all the crazy people in the world...I don't deserve them and neither does anyone else who isn't crazy. Love, SUZY :D

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sounds Like Okinawa To Me....

I started downloading some of my pics on here again yesterday, and of course every single one of them got deleted againnnn...when I am no longer mad at this thing, I will put them all back on here just gets soo boring after doing that for so long with soo many pics from last year and I'm not sure when...I love the people here in Alaska, but the ones that I have to be around completely SUCK....everytime that I get around them we get in a hugeass fight where we practically want to rip each other's throats more to them though cause they are just too pathetic to even be on this earth, mostly in the beautiful state of Alaska...

Monday, May 28, 2012

"don't try to catch someone who does not want to be caught...." I will make a cast ceramic of this soaring eagle only on a cross, with this scripture on the top...perhaps next month I can get started on that, after I finish the other 5 that I'm working on now and still have to paint every single one of them...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

I watched this movie last night, and it bothered me so much, that I can't even sleep warned anyone if you decide to watch this...I really can't believe that people would actually do something like this to another human being just for reminded me toooo much of a concentration camp and I felt completely nausiated throughtout the entire thing...very very sad...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

so I can feel another argument coming up in the next 24 hours...I've been through this too many times not to know any I hope to meet native Alaskans since the people that I have to live around are 100% psychotic...everyone please stay away from crazy people and total liars..this isn't new to me so I really don't care at's just hurtful being new but having to put up with the same kind of lousy attitudes all over again...I'm sure there will be way better people at my University next year...we have another shipment that got here from Italy that is scheduled to be delivered next week...over 2,000 pounds...2 wooden crates full of I have no idea what...everything from Italy and I can't even remember what that stuff was now...back from I will be right back where I was at whenever we first moved here...I have a book that I found from Italy that I managed to ahold of called "After the Boxes Are Unpacked..." not sure how much I will be in the mood to read something like that cause after awhile that stuff just makes me mad since it won't go away and I never want to mess with it...hope to chat with some of you soon...stay away from total idiots..they're not worth it!!!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sounds Like Something I Would Have Said Back In High School....

Anyone Else Know About This???

I was already aware of this, but it's difficult to remember everything that it's included in...very scary whenever they group these all in one and we can see just how scary this is in everyday stuff that we never even think about...I haven't touched chewing gum since I was a kid, so no need to worry about that one...also the others as well!!!!!! I have flavoured water, but it's clear and natural water with fruit flavouring not artificial flavouring...cereal doesn't have that if it's organic..I won't touch milk no  matter what...I have those nasty protein shake things to mix up with what I have to, then dump the rest out...the rest I won't touch at all!!! diet sodas I knew weren't good with that chemical in them, and they also add air in your stomach from the carbonation. It seems that I do this sort of thing more and more each and every week cause I'm so scared to death on what to have anymore with stuff like this going around...I had that sugar free junk before, and it gave me splitting headaches...never again, and I didn't care how it tasted anyways...just to give everyone else a warning as well!!! to get even more of an even bigger truth, watch the documentary dvd, "SUPER SIZE  ME" & also "FAST FOOD NATION..." I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one like this in the world...

Never Give Up My Friends!!!!

Wow, One Of The Greatest Movies Ever....

They changed YouTube again, and of course it's not working for me...when I finally figure it out, I will put a ton of more things on here like I usually do everyday's the middle of the night here in Alaska, and I am still doing this...watched 2 movies, but this was the best one..didn't really care for New York Subway Stories...way too's nearly 3am so I should pull myself away from doing this finally...still upset about Italy so I guess that's why I won't get off...take care everyone...keep Italy in your thoughts and prayers please!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Love These...

I soooo love these songs!!!!! the first one I just heard on my music channel...we were in Italy at the time, and they didn't have any English radio stations...I always felt sick to my stomach because of that since I live by music and what song is on anywhere....mine is the "TRAVEL" part of course in that one...the 2nd one came out when I was in high school and you couldn't go anywhere without hearing it or someone was talking about it...I think that they even had t-shirts made from that and had a few lines on it...I'm too obsessed with songs that's why I always put them on here...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Who Agrees With This!?!

so only a crazy person will get up in the middle of the night..say between 2-3am, and get online just to ask what everyone else is doing...I guess that makes me crazy then but so what...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Messed Up Again...See U All On My Other Blog....

so I messed up again!!!!!!!! I meant to put this on my other blog so I'll have to start all over again...I can never do anything right the first time...this is like the 4th or 5th time that I have tried this...hope to get it right this time or I won't do this again for at least 3 months cause it's really making me mad!!!!!! see u all over there on my other one...hope to not kill this thing before I get there.... >:C

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This Doesn't Surprise Me!!!!!

Sugar can make you dumb, US scientists warn

Eating too much sugar can eat away at your brainpower, according to US scientists who published a study Tuesday showing how a steady diet of high-fructose corn syrup sapped lab rats' memories.
Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) fed two groups of rats a solution containing high-fructose corn syrup -- a common ingredient in processed foods -- as drinking water for six weeks.
One group of rats was supplemented with brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids in the form of flaxseed oil and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), while the other group was not.
Before the sugar drinks began, the rats were enrolled in a five-day training session in a complicated maze. After six weeks on the sweet solution, the rats were then placed back in the maze to see how they fared.
"The DHA-deprived animals were slower, and their brains showed a decline in synaptic activity," said Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, a professor of neurosurgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.
"Their brain cells had trouble signaling each other, disrupting the rats' ability to think clearly and recall the route they'd learned six weeks earlier."
A closer look at the rat brains revealed that those who were not fed DHA supplements had also developed signs of resistance to insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar and regulates brain function.
"Because insulin can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, the hormone may signal neurons to trigger reactions that disrupt learning and cause memory loss," Gomez-Pinilla said.
In other words, eating too much fructose could interfere with insulin's ability to regulate how cells use and store sugar, which is necessary for processing thoughts and emotions.
"Insulin is important in the body for controlling blood sugar, but it may play a different role in the brain, where insulin appears to disturb memory and learning," Gomez-Pinilla said.
"Our study shows that a high-fructose diet harms the brain as well as the body. This is something new."
High-fructose corn syrup is commonly found in soda, condiments, applesauce, baby food and other processed snacks.
The average American consumes more than 40 pounds (18 kilograms) of high-fructose corn syrup per year, according to the US Department of Agriculture.
While the study did not say what the equivalent might be for a human to consume as much high-fructose corn syrup as the rats did, researchers said it provides some evidence that metabolic syndrome can affect the mind as well as the body.
"Our findings illustrate that what you eat affects how you think," said Gomez-Pinilla.
"Eating a high-fructose diet over the long term alters your brain's ability to learn and remember information. But adding omega-3 fatty acids to your meals can help minimize the damage."
The study appeared in the Journal of Physiology.****

 so I guess this is one of the reasons why I hardly like anything...I scare myself to death reading everything on here what everything else has in it and won't touch nearly half the stuff that's out there unless it only has one ingredient...this just makes my belief more believable!!!!

LOL!! Ignore The Story...The Comments Alone Will Crack You Up!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

5 Stupid Things I Saw Today....

5. Someone standing directly next to their truck talking non-stop while smoking a lighted cigerrete right next to the gas tank...

4. Looking out the window of my art building, I noticed some guy out in the parking lot working like crazy on his truck, bending down, running around all sides with a spray can, then running back, shaking the can etc...I finally caught on to what he was doing..he was spraying the tires with that stuff in the can to make the tires and hubcabs anyone cares about how your tires or your hubcaps look whenever you are going 60 MPH...

3.Someone else getting on a cell phone and on an annoying call, dishing out all this dirty laundry and trash gossip on others, and then gets mad when people around them are too loud or making noise whenever they are the ones who should leave to begin one wants to hear stupid phone conversations...esp. me!!!!!!!

2. I dread shopping more than anything else on the planet...I'm referring to grocery shopping...while waiting for one guy who is just taking a Sunday stroll as slow as he possibly can, I give him the evil eye to hurry up, he then passes me and looks over his shoulder completely confused like he had no idea why I was annoyed...maybe he needed to be backhanded to knock some sense into him and I'm sure the answer would then come to him real quick....

1. Total Idiot people waiting 2-3 hours just for a table at a restaurant, while the line is hanging out the door all the way into the parking lot and is about to start touching the parked cars...there are other restaurants in town ya know...this is Anchorage and not some dumpy place out in the sticks...some people just like to keep being stupid I guess...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Love This Movie...

just got back from seeing this incredible movie...loved it..except the idiots who wouldn't shut up and kept making noises throughout the entire thing...I'm thinking dvd about 6 months from now will be a whole lot better....

What I Want To Say, But Don't!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

LOL...Well This One Wasn't Hard For Me...

I'm sure that everyone can guess which place that I'm always referring to??!!? nope, will never stop jabbing islands's better to be pissed off than to be pissed on....

I Am Still Sooo Thankful To Be Out Of Okinawa, Japan!!!!

Being anywhere but there seemed so much more better than to be stuck forever on an over crowded island and then dying and being stuck there for eternity either being buried or dumped in the ocean....I'm not a small town girl, an island girl, a beach girl, and definately not a fan of anything Japanese, unless it's to decorate only...I really don't miss it at all there, and just love it up here in Alaska...It's just barely now getting dark now by the way...It's about 10:40pm now...lovin' every min. of it!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Missin' My Friends As Well!!!!!!

miss u all too soo much!!! thanks for the cute pic!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I miss my Venice, Italy soooooooo badly now...This is the image that I remember from the 2 hour gondola ride, and also through the canals, under bridges, and seeing the hundreds of houses directly built on the water that were hundreds of years old and still kept bars on the windows when gypsies were a big deal....great memories!!! The other 2 are pretty self-explanatory...can't wait to start my University classes again next year and actually start working again...the rest of my entire year is completely shot, and I can't belive that we're already in the month of May...crazy how we just got here 2 months ago...It's staying light here now until 10:30pm..soon it will stay light both day and I'm finally beginning to understand Alaska's motto "Land Of The Midnight Sun..." I'd rather have that over 113 degree heat anyday...