Sunday, January 29, 2012

No, I Wouldn't Pay 20 Million Dollars To Go Up To OUTER SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, can you believe someone actually ASKED ME THIS!!!!?!?!?! Not only did it make me mad, but WHY WOULD I EVEN WANT TO DO THAT, when there are sooo many countries down here on PLANET EARTH that I still have to conquer!?!?! People who think stuff like this up must be really blah and REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY boring....Even if I had 20 million, I SURE WOULDN'T USE IT TO GO TO OUTER SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!! TOTALLY POINTLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME ITALIA, OR NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 more days until I move from all this craziness God help me... ( eyeroll) :P

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