Thursday, October 6, 2011

So, What's Up With All These Stupid E-Mails That I Keep Getting!?!????

What is going on with the e-mail systems!? I didn't used to get any of this stuff, and now I get them every single day almost and it's highly annoying!!!!!!!!! Things like:

1. "Do You Need Hip Replacement?"

2. "Do You Have Sexual Dis function?"

3. "Do You Have Thinning Hair?"

4. "Get Fitted For Dentures For Free!"

5. "Are You Suffering From Arthritis?"

6. "Free Lasic Surgery!!"

7. "Viagra As Low As $1.99!!!!!"

8. "Do You Want To Increase Your Size For More Satisfaction?"

9. "Are You Suffering From Osteoporosis?"

10. "Become A Massage Therapist Or Medical Technician in 8-12 Months!!!"

And Finally, here's the kicker to them all!!!

11. *****"JOB OPENINGS IN OKINAWA-APPLY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

OMG, so okay, WTH IS UP WITH ALL OF THAT!!!???? And most of all, JUST WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE GET MY NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESSES????????????? I can't put some of that on my facebook page, cause I'm still connected with some of my students, so I definately couldn't have them seeing that since I know they would look it up on here then. I just don't need that kind of embarrassment and then me stuttering around for answers....So here we go on my world-famous opinions....hope everyone gets a good laugh since there is no way I would stay quiet about any of this without commenting on it somehow and somewhere...even if I had to go and write it on a bathroom wall at a truck stop where everyone writes stuff like "I LOVE___________ " etc. etc... I would fill up the entire back door and both walls with as much as I talk...esp. on stupid stuff like this!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. NO, I don't need hip replacement, I am not 80 or 90 or 100 years old. I'm in the prime time of my life, and lovin' it... and don't even think about that now at all..It's highly depressing, and I'm not going to sit here focusing on it everyday when I get outta bed, "oh I might need hip replacement one day, guess I'd better go walk around while I can since I won't be able to for awhile once I get both hips replaced, esp. since there is nothing wrong with them in the first place.....

2. So, I guess you have no problem at all sending this stuff out to total strangers asking about their personal sex lives to find out about it so you can post it all over the internet. I know this very very well, because here's a little secret buddy, I HAPPEN TO DO THE EXACT SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once you find out something about someone who just totally gets under your skin....( you absolutely CAN NOT STAND, and they make you want to bite every single one of your nails off, we all know the type because you are one of them), you put everything you can all over the internet to secretly humiliate them behind their backs and then laugh about it. I've done this ever since the internet has been thought of because of loser guys who won't stop with with me and I won't give them the time of day, then put it all over here and half the world gets a good laugh on how stupid they are and they can see that it's not me initiating it. So, it seems like you are one of those guys as well, and guess what, you've just been humilitated, so go crawl back in your hole and finish shaving the rest of your back.....

3. Okay, the fact that you even send me an email asking me about my hair is a total insult and consider yourself being bitch-slapped over the internet for that. Wow, if you knew me at all, you wouldn't be able to handle me for a minute as high maintenance as I am. I mess with my hair every minute of the day, I keep up with my highlites, keeping my natural red colour, keeping it as long as I possibly can, and have gotten every hair care product known to mankind. My students beg me if they can play with my hair and it's all over the place then, but I don't care cause I take daily showers anyways, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day in the scalding hot summers cause I can't stand that slimy feeling from sweating...It's very clear that you don't, or you wouldn't have thinning hair from lack of personal grooming. My hair is just fine, and they could make a throw rug out of it if I would ever let that happen, but of course I won't, so it surely doesn't sound like I have thinning hair, and with all the compliments I get on it all the time, and with other worthless females giving me the evil eye in class, or anywhere else I"m at, and then they show up the next time with the same exact red hair color I have they got out of a BOTTLE, that says something right there how much they envy me for having hair like I do, the colour and everything, so I don't have a problem with my hair at all. My suggestion to you is, if you have such a problem with thinning hair, then go to a wig shop and stock up on several wigs and your thinning hair problem is automatically solved. I'll even give you the address to a wig shop up the street from where I live here, just so you will leave me the #&*!* ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. OMG, YOU ARE SO NOT ASKING ME THIS!!!!!!!!!!! If you had ANY idea how much I went through with my teeth alone, your jaw would drop down, and you wouldn't be able to close it for a good 10 mintues then. Hopefully, while you still have it open, a few flies and other insects will fly directly into your mouth and you swallow them which will help speed up your tooth decay. Someone who has gone through oral surgery, having the right canine tooth on the other side of their head attached to their left eye socket hanging down like an icicle, the oral surgeon having to put me under, so he could cut it loose, attach a chain around it, bring the chain down, behind my front teeth, back up again, and hanging down from the empty space where they pulled the tooth that was still there because the permanent one was on the other side of my head, attach braces all over my teeth for 3 years, attach the chain to the braces, and within 2-3 years time that tooth was brought down into place right next to all the others where it was supposed to be. I got my braces off, the "tv antenna" jokes stopped, but the stupid guys didn't. I'm talking about the ones who never shut up thinking they're funny, and poking each other laughing about which one of them should talk with me first. I still wouldn't give them the time of day, but I no longer had the braces, my teeth are perfectly straight, there is nothing wrong with my teeth, I go regularly to the dentist, I love my smile, and there is NO WAY EVER that I plan on loosing any of my teeth to cause me to get dentures ever. What I had they really didn't have a name for, they just referred to it as a "freak of nature" or if they do have a name, I surely can't remember it, but I am fearfully and wonderfully made, so it seems the only freak around here now is YOU since you are sending out emails to people that you don't even know asking them if they need dentures so you won't have to be the only one wearing them. You can start your own "Denture Support Group" on Facebook now you know. They have plenty of people out there who already have dentures, or need to get them, and I'm sure that you will get PLENTY of responces, so good luck on your toothless denture group. I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends. Maybe you all can even give each other denture tips...

5. Hmm, well, arthritis usually comes from a lack of doing NOTHING or doing the same thing too much. I suggest that you learn to expand your life and your teeny tiny nothing itty bitty mind and try doing more than one thing other than just sitting, and discover what it out there to keep your mind sharp and where you won't even come close to developing arthritis. You know, once you can't move at all, someone will have to do everything for you from spoon-feeding you to getting you dressed and undressed every day and night...With as sick and twisted as you already are, I'm sure that you will just LOVE that, so perhaps you want to develop arthrtis to make everyone feel sorry for you and let them decide between themselves who is the next one to have to put on your next pair of pants....

6. Well, I can see just fine.I don't need or want any kind of surgery where some doctor is there poking around in my eye and flashing a laser into it. I have seen how this is done, and it makes me cringe, and I have to turn away it grosses me out sooo badly....Really, I would like to give you a poke or two, and not just in the eye, since I'm apparently not the only one you are bugging half to death about this procedure...I don't wear contacts, I can't stand even touching or poking anything near or around my eye, I don't wear glasses, I don't have trouble seeing, I think the only thing you are having trouble with seeing is how many people how you are driving out of their mind and how many of us can't stand you by sending us emails that have nothing to do with us or our lifestyles....

7. It seems to me, the only one who needs viagra around here is you. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to order unknown, cheaply made drugs off the INTERNET!?!?! Wow, you must have a really sad life being this desperate to get some kind of satisfaction going on however you can....There was some drug party here in my city back at the beginning of the year, drinking and all that stuff, and the guy throwing the party at his house, had ordered drugs off the internet and was there sharing them with others. They were drinking obsessively, doing drugs, mixing drugs and alcohol do not go together. You can DIE from that just for a few minutes of what you consider to be "FUN." Oh and you know what??? That is EXACTLY what happened to a few of them. They weren't able to handle the effects of this drug that was illegal, I don't even remember what it was cause I'm not a druggie, and the guy who ordered it in the first place is being charged for murder since he is responsible for distributing drugs and had alcohol there at his house. You don't know what you are getting when you order pills or whatever kind of drugs off the internet from whoever, you don't know what's in them, you don't know who has handled them or even who has made them. So if you wanna sit for an afternoon flipping through a book, or surfing the internet on tombstone designs and caskets, then be my guest, but I"m sure not gonna join you...There are plenty others out there who don't need viagra at all, so why would I even wanna mess with someone who does in the first place...oh I forgot you're one of those goody goody people who stare at me from a distance but refuses to talk with me....okay whatever, cause you couldn't handle me anyways....

8.Oh brother, OMG, so here we go again....I take it that you have some real security issues and problems that you don't want anyone else to know about, so you send out all these perverted emails to people you don't even know, and you make sure that girls like me get them just to get me mad cause you know it does...Let's see, I know exactly what you are talking about, and that is something that you discuss with a D.O.C.T.O.R.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't be like the psycho-bitch in one of my child development classes and started talking about people having bowel movements right in the middle of class one time, and how to "regulate" yourself..and this stupid hoe was saying all this OUTLOUD IN DETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ABOUT WAS READY TO THROW UP UNTIL I TOLD HER TO SHUT THE HELL UP AND WE HAVE AVOIDED EACH OTHER EVER SINCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never come across anyone so stupid. That is a medical class discussion, not something that you discuss in a class for EDUCATION...This is why I don't deal with younger brats in their 20's they are just like teenagers and think they know and that they are right about everything. She is probably one of the ones who sit there and eats the stuff saying it's good nutrients and whatever. They had a whole entire section on dvds on people doing that and it showed it on the front cover in one of those "shops" for adults only. Yes, people actually do that, but that is totally their business. I don't want to know about it, I don't want to hear about it, don't tell me about it, don't mention it to me, don't go on about it, and definately don't talk outloud about it cause I will walk right up and shove you right over. It seems like you and her would be perfect for each other so good luck with your new girl friend. She's as nasty as you can possibly get.... I think the only "size" that needs to be increased around here is your BRAIN.....

9. Okay, we're getting to know each other pretty well by now. You can see that I'm a total smart ass and sarcastic as they come, and I can see that you're a total pervert and sick as you can get....Total opposites from each other...But one question though??? Why do you wanna know all my medical history when you're not even a DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!???!!?!? Doctors are the ones who ask these sort of things, not just anyone who doesn't have anything else better to do with their life, and secretly looking of a girlfriend. Yes, I know you can develop osteperosis at any age, they check you for that all through school, you hear about all this stuff your bones go through and calcium deficiencies etc...etc....Don't start in on me on drinking milk and how "good" it is for me....I don't care, I can't stand it, and I am not gonna sit there and drink anything white that reminds me of stuff that comes out of the human body....That's what calcium pills are for sweetheart...So you see, I have an answer to everything and can get around all your questions....I bet you are sorry that you sent me all these emails now that you see how much personality I have in me compared to others like yourself who don't even have one....

10. I'm gonna take a wild guess that you are totally and completely obsessed with the naked human body from head to toe. If anyone is gonna be getting a massage it's going to be me, not ME GIVING IT TO SOMEONE ELSE THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW AND RUBBING GREASY STUFF ALL OVER THEM. I know how it's done, I've seen it, I don't care for it, and I don't like the greasy nasty feeling it leaves on my skin. I don't want some stranger touching me or putting their nasty hands all over me. That is for people who have absolutely ZERO TALENT, and can't think of anything else better to do with their lives...So tell me, would you REALLY trust anyone who finished medical training in less than a year!?? I just started this year on my 2nd degree, and it's going to take me at least the next 10 years to real my goal, but time definately flies, so I don't care how long it will take cause I've been lovin' every minute of it....Programs like that are for people who are mostly lazy, and want to "rush" through everything not taking time and enjoying whatever it is they're studying about. They don't learn the full program, and it's very hurried, so if they do happen to land a job, they still feel unsatisfied and keep searching for something else...Medical grosses me out, so I would never even think of having anything to do with it ever...The only reason I think you would pretend to be interested in it would be to find some potential date to make yourself feel important..Oh sorry, you already have a girlfriend, the one who eats her own bowel movements and others because she doesn't want to waste the nutrients that are in them...Wow, you're both crazy so please stay far away from me and don't even think of talking to me ever..If you do, I could act interested, then come over and act like I was gonna kiss you, but instead grab my water and dump the rest of it in your lap making it look like you totally wet your pants. I grew up around 5 boys baby, so I know all the tricks, moves, remarks, comments, practical jokes, and how to definately get back at someone...So don't even think of getting on my wrong side, cause I have yet to do my dog food recipe and feed it to an entire roomful of people who totally pissed me off, but that's a whole other story....

11. Okinawa...A PLACE THAT YOU INSTANTLY HATE, AND ONE THAT I NEVER WANT TO SEE AGAIN!!!!! You people there are so worthless and brain-washed with living there that you don't even realize that the rest of the world even exists anymore. All you talk about is that stupid f*&%ng island, and how great it is, and how beautiful it is, and how you never want to leave, and these douchebag Americans come there and try and speak in a Japanese accent and learn Japanese!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, people GET A CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!! You are what you are, and not something else just because you are in another country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These astronauts who go to outer space for weeks, months at a time, once they landed on the moon, they didn't automatically think that they were an alien just because they were in outer space. The same goes for you and everyone else over there!!!!!!!!!! Here's a little inside information: (I know you all are brain dead druggies over there, esp. with all the arrests they made on the drug users when I was living there, so it doesn't surprise me that you also fit into this category as well.) I DON'T LIVE IN OKINAWA ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't for nearly a year now, so sending me emails on job offers isn't going to make me change my mind and actually want to come back there. That place is hell on earth with the devil himself living right around the corner. I have never in my life been in such a hellish place that is still making me have nightmares over it being a concentration camp instead of some military base. I am not an island person, so that is where all that is coming from, because I was fine before I moved to that hell hole. I don't like being stuck anywhere and in total isolation away from the rest of society. I come back here and am still learning things what went on for the last 7 years. I am never going to be put through that situation again ever. So you can take all your Okinawa jobs and anything else that has you blinded over there making you think that place is so great, and shove them where the sun doesn't shine cause there is no way I ever wanna want a repeat of that life over there again. Hope you are enjoying that overly crowded miserable dump living on top of landfills...I took pictures of all the trash there and posted it all over the internet here. I left nothing out and exposed that place for what it REALLY is....IT'S NOT THAT GREAT AS PEOPLE SAY IT IS!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if you are a beach person and actually get DARK, or have family over there and your background is from there, but I'm not ANY OF THOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So why would I want to stay in a place that I totally HATE, but everyone else around me is telling me how I"m missing out???? The only thing that I missed out on was being here in the United States of America and missed going to my concerts and hanging out with my friends...I haven't missed Okinawa at all, wow you all are in for a reallllll surprise whenever you do finally leave that place...I hope that you all have nightmares worse than mine....

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