Friday, October 14, 2011

OMG, Would You Believe That One Guy In All Those Crazy Videos Took My Video Suggestions!?!?!?!

I am soooo much still in shock right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I emailed that one guy in all those crazy videos that had me laughing until 6am the other morning and I absolutely could NOT get to sleep I kept thinking of certain ones and certain parts of his videos and would bust out laughing in the pitch dark....That went on the entire night until I finally got up and took a sleeping pill to knock me out and for me to shut my mouth to keep from laughing...I emailed him suggesting if he could make videos on the links below, where some psycho guy throws a hotdog at Tiger woods at some golf tournament, and I said I was dying to see him make fun of that.....There is no way possible to download that clip cause it's copyrighted from all the sport channel networks, but you can still see it on the link below....What made my day is that HE SAID HE WOULD DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, if anyone sees his video about that hot dog incident before I get to watch it, just know that I gave him the suggestion!!!! I'm trying to find something quirky that happened in boring nothing politics with Obama or someone so he can make fun of that just talking and running those people down calling them every name you can think of. I still haven't been able to find anything, but now I'll be on the lookout for junk like that since he's gonna do the one about the hot dog one...OMG I can't wait to see that one...I'm not going to be able to breathe properly for hours on end....Have a good day everyone cause mine has just totally been made!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see that one, cause the video itself is hard to make out and see the hot dog come flying at the idiot with the golf clubs...oh and also I sent a link and suggested that he do a video on tiger woods caught on a gay phone call he was making to Kobe Bryant, I think he's some whacked up basketball player. He was crying and sniffing and everything saying how sorry he was for not calling him and everything...I sent the entire conversation to him and he said that he would make fun of that one too...I'll have to pull that one up again on the phone call and put on here to give everyone a good laugh...I didn't think I was going to be able to sit back up again for the rest of the day I was laughing so hard but managed to type him out a message and suggest those to him...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do videos on these 2 links!!!!!!!!!! now I won't be able to calm down until I see them and have them the stuff that I come up with to make fun of and laugh about with wonder we are friends to begin with.... :D still laughing about all of it by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just found another link for this guy to make fun of...before long, he's gonna make me his assistant cause of all my ideas and not being able to ever to keep quiet about anything....some guy found NEEDLES in his burger and fries at BURGER KING....sick sick sick...but funny funny funny...once he attacks this story...***just found this link now too and sent it over to my friend to make another world famous video....obama is sending military troops over to Africa....can't WAIT to hear what he has to say about that in about a 3 minute video...****SOUND THE ALARM....TIGER WOODS IS GAY BABY....HERE'S PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!! expect a video about this one too cause i sent him this exact same link and can't WAIT to see what he comes up with after watching this...************

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