Sunday, October 16, 2011

How Do You Deal With Jealous People!!!!

Jealous people. Wow, we can't live with them, and we can't seem to live without them. Me, I have to face them everyday....I get it mostly from stupid females, so I'm used to it now, but it's still something that I don't like, and I definately DON'T like being around people like that....So, since I never run of out stuff to talk about, here's something else that happened to me earlier today...We all got to talking about our interests, and the subject of art came up...I'm usually not one to just speak out, but Art anything I can handle, and start talking a mile a minute about it, and all what I have learned, all what I have done, and pulled out my latest project and held it up and showed it to my entire class...I got mostly approval, but then some nasty looks and narrow-eyed glares or just looks like they wish they could do that sort of thing, but don't or just say that they can't....I got one stupid female bashing me in front of everyone about my artwork there in front of everyone saying junk like they couldn't do it, they just never picked up on it, and didn't like it, and saying mean and nasty stuff to me, when I nearly had an entire project finished and after that, I didn't say anymore. I just don't deal with people like that. No matter what it is, what is being said, or what is done by someone else, if they can't be the center of attention, usually in a negative way, then they just aren't satisfied....I taught my students some of what I know, and they loved it, I never heard anyone else complain about it except the ones WHO CAN'T DO IT,AND THEY WANNA RUN ME DOWN FOR KNOWING HOW TO.....sick sick sick people who act that way....I'm trying not to let the jealous thing get to me from these worthless nothing females who have done NOTHING with their lives besides drop out of high school, have numerous kids, and are now living off the government by some kind of means, and I have done NONE OF THAT, so that is usually the reason why they hate me....Of course, I would be glad to teach them, but with an attitude like that, no thanks....I don't like being snapped at, and I'd rather be around professional people who are actually NICE, and are happy for each other's talents, and not do this verbal bashing when there's a group of people around.....Wow, I wish I saw guys like those 2 up there over in Okinawa with signs in English...I would have so jumped out and went to get poster stuff to make posters and join them without saying a word to either one of them, just so I could laugh about the whole thing later....The sarcasim is the greatest part, and I so live for sarcastic anything.....Tomorrow I will finish my quilt finally, and start on another one...this time I'm doing a t-shirt quilt of all different Hello Kitty t-shirts I got from the kids section at a clothing store here...They're like really really really small, but I just want the pictures and make an entire blanket out of them all before I leave...It's stuff like that I come up with that others who have absolutely NO talent at all get furious about...and instead of talking to me normally, I get the evil eye glares and cold shoulders...not that I care, but I do notice the attitude....Well I think I have talked enough for one day...hope everyone had a great weekend...I will finally get mine back and I'm soooooo thrilled to pieces about it....

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