Thursday, July 14, 2011

You Can't Get Any STUPIDER Than This...WoW These Dudes Are Just Plain U.G.L.Y....

I TOTALLY HAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEE milk, and won't even look at it, touch it, breathe on it, nothing, and I definately won't have it for anything to "help cure it..." This is not funny at all, and people who come up with this kind of stuff have no kind of actual sense of humour. They just think they do, but are really unbelievably pathetic deep down and stuff like this shows it...NOT FUNNY AND I LET THEM KNOW IT...I SMARTED OFF ON THIS PAGE AT LEAST A DOZEN TIMES HOW STUPID THEY WERE FOR DOING THIS....GET A LIFE THIS IS JUST PLAIN STUPIIIIIIIDDDDDDD

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