Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Holiday Is Finally Over..Back To Normal In Life Finally...

So I hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July to all who celebrate it... I had mine halfway ruined by total embarrassment last night and totally wanted to die on the spot...I spent it at our gorgeous downtown area...they had the horses and carriages out decorated up with flowers, the river boats running like they do in Venice, Italy non-stop, and everything is looking more and more gorgeous everytime I go downtown...I ended up at one of those super super classy restaurants with my in-laws and a few others that was European/American cuisine..It was one of those restaurants that didn't allow kids, and they didn't have a regular menu, it was an actual binder. Also, they didn't have prices on the menu, it was just a little number for them to write down what stuff you ordered, but they didn't put the prices on anything there...It reminded me of what I had up in Austria, or Switzerland...none of it was nasty, and everything was natural and only had one ingredient...LOVED IT...I thought everything was fine until this guy from Costa Rica started messing with me in FRONT OF EVERYONE ELSE...asking me my name, where I"m from, that I didn't look like I was from here, no duh, I was just born here, my background is German and British...everyone who came over here was an immigrant and I always tell people I don't look a thing like anyone over in this country...so this genius noticed that at well...I was just like well okay well whateverrrrr... this was a high up place and I didn't dare smart off to whoever this guy was trying to score a date with me...I just talked but very little, since I have no idea what to say when people start in on me with those questions...he would not stop in front of everyone like that and everyone kept looking at me like I had ties with him or something...and it got worse and worse...he asked me in front of an entire table of people if I had babies, I say no, he asked again and why not, and said hmm well maybe someday...then shot back at me asking me if I wanted him for dessert and that was it for me....I was DONE with this dude totally embarrassing the hell outta me like this in a 5 star restaurant and totally ruining my holiday...It NEVER fails ever when I go out no matter what place it is, I always get that...I did not enjoy the fireworks. I thought they were pretty much duds, and there wasn't much to any of it..I miss the shows that play music and have fireworks timed to the music and set them off that way...Hopefully a trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania will happen in the next several years without total embarrassment to ruin everythingggggggg....

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