Saturday, September 17, 2011

Racist And Sexist Jokes ARE JUST NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!

Some dope today in my art class was one of those people who thinks they are extremely important, and told the stupidest joke ever...The whole room went totally silent that you could hear a pin drop, then it was juat an awkward silence...This is how it went...."Why do men die before their wives do???" (no responce because everyone was ignoring this idiot) (him again)- "because they want to..." I was just like "shut up no one is listening to you muchless wants to hear you..." Totally awkward silence again, because jokes like that just are not funny...I said I couldn't stand those people in the I knew they were stupid but that just proves my point altogether....I ended up leaving after that so I wouldn't have to put up with him anymore...

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