Saturday, September 24, 2011

Go Out And Bless Someone's Day Today, Like They Did To Me!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, I don't know what it is with me and GAS STATIONS.... I hardly go to them, I don't like them to begin with, I just go there to get my drink, and keep going. I don't hang out at them, but I always seem to pick up potential dates whenever I do happen to go to one....I don't plan that either, so I don't know what the deal is...I go to one this morning to get my drink, before I go to my 5 hour art class today cause I won't go even across the street without a drink. (I'm talking about non-alcoholic of course!!!) I go and get mine, and am waiting to pay etc..etc...some guy is right beside me and keeps glancing over at me and whatever and I don't think anything of it then walks out before me...I take care of my business and go out, and am about to get in the car, and the same guy comes up to me and says he would like to pay for my drink, that God was telling him he should pay for my drink and he didn't do it and wanted to make it right and handed me $1.00. I like about just fell over cause that like never happens to me like ever....I just said thank you, and also thanked him in Hebrew, and then was like frozen solid cause that really never happens to me ever...What a nice gesture though...I have to get a wholeee lot more braver than I am now to ever be able to do that to someone I don't even know. I really really don't plan for these things to happen, and it's even halfway embarrassing cause I don't know how to respond!!!!!!! Well whatever, if total strangers want to buy my drinks and whatever else I've got my eye on, then they definately won't hear me complaining!!!

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