Monday, June 4, 2012

hmm... so I figured with the entire group of people who totally pissed me off here at this base (this is nothing new of course, since every place that I go in the world girls hate me severely...) instead of letting them know that I have a problem with them, can't stand them, don't wanna be around them, can't stand the sight of them, think they're dumb as *&$#, don't care what they think about me, and not to mention they bore me to death...I decided that when I do find out about some lame get together here with a bunch of know nothing people, (now that summer is here, there is something like that going on constantly and they put me to sleep just by mentioning them to me...) that I'll just join in even if it's only for that one time...I plan to bring cat food brownies with chocolate icing and double rainbow sprinkles to hide everything...they have noooo idea what they just opened up talking to me like I can make a brilliant statement without saying one single I care what they think of me, and if they will like me, or if I'm worried about them wanting to hang out with me etc. etc. etc.( and all the other lame garbage that goes along worrying about if other people like you or not...) yeah, I'm worried about all that just like I wanna go and schedule a date with Frosty The's to pissing me off B*TCHES!!!!!!! :D

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