Saturday, March 31, 2012

Best Video Ever...

I had noooooooooooo idea that this would be a million dollar video one day, cause that is how much it's worth now with all the publicity that it has attracted...I'm one of the millions included in that statistic since I just played it over and over, and each time that I see it, it's like the first time...I had noooooooo idea that British kids were so funny...If American kids were put in that situation, and one kid bit the other one, the one getting bit would pop off and whop the biting kid a good one and they would fight and scream it out...I couldn't believe how those kids just sat there...this has been all over the world, cause I saw it in Japan 2 years ago...We're still being reminded of it, and I'm sure a few more years from now, we'll still be reminded...this is just tooo funny...what an easy way to make a million dollars...just let the camera run on a couple of kids and wait for them to do something funny...greatest idea ever...

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