Saturday, March 31, 2012

Best Video Ever...

I had noooooooooooo idea that this would be a million dollar video one day, cause that is how much it's worth now with all the publicity that it has attracted...I'm one of the millions included in that statistic since I just played it over and over, and each time that I see it, it's like the first time...I had noooooooo idea that British kids were so funny...If American kids were put in that situation, and one kid bit the other one, the one getting bit would pop off and whop the biting kid a good one and they would fight and scream it out...I couldn't believe how those kids just sat there...this has been all over the world, cause I saw it in Japan 2 years ago...We're still being reminded of it, and I'm sure a few more years from now, we'll still be reminded...this is just tooo funny...what an easy way to make a million dollars...just let the camera run on a couple of kids and wait for them to do something funny...greatest idea ever...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

So Unbelievably True For Me....

Here's a "dumb girl" to back this up and show the world that these pics really are that is more than "dumb" that is just plain stupid....

Don't Be This Guy!!!!!!!

Too Funny, But True...

This Is What's Going On Back Home In My City!!!!!! Always Something Never Boring!!!!! :D

The POPs truck is in downtown OKC today serving food while a local band entertains lunchgoers. OKC is a vibrant place to live and work!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Too Funny...

Can't Stand Waiting...

In my case, it's always on other annoying people who either won't shut up for one minute, or tapping something over and over, or saying their kid's name over and over and louder and louder each time...It's best to avoid any kind of "WAITING ROOMS" altogether... :p complete and TOTAL WASTE OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Okay, Someone PLEASE Tell Me Where There People Are Coming From With Voices That Sound Like This....

These are from Taiwan's Got Talent,(1st one), and Korea's Got Talent (2nd one)....oh and That IS a guy in the first was hard for me to believe too...I'm thinking, change maybe?? perhaps...who knows...I will leave that up to everyone else's imagination... :p great performance though just questionable is all...the 2nd one is just plain sad... :(
(sorry everyone...I just had to do these 2, it's harder than you think to tell them apart...I'm still trying to figure out what on earth happened...)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Someone Please Tell Me Where This Guy Gets This Kind Of Voice!!!! Wow...

"whew!!! you go Great Britain!!! Soooo unbelievably proud to have you in my "blood"!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Like Wow...Never Heard This One.....

" You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun , but seek shade when it's shining . You say you love wind , but when it comes you close your window . So that's why I'm scared when you say you love me." -Bob Marley. ♥

Friday, March 23, 2012

ComeBack Of A LifeTime For Okinawa....

Gross, Sick, Sick Sick, but oh so TRUE, TRUE TRUE...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sooo True...

...and also for the fact that I'm no longer in Japan...complete Dream!!!!!!!! :D

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Responce To A Comment Card In Okinawa...

I found my copy of a responce that I left at some place that we stayed at back in Okinawa...Have a good laugh everyone..I still do... :D xxx

"this is my responce to your comment card after staying here in your hotel!!! It was too much to write in the teeny tiny thing that you give us, and as much as I talk, there was no way that I was going to get this all on here goes....

"You want to know how we enjoyed our stay,
Even if we hated it, we'll still have to pay.

So I will make this short and sweet,
Then you all can go back to playing Japanese music out on the street.

Ahem!!! First of all~~~

You didn't have anything decent or normal to eat,
I got some kind of fungus on my feet.

The bathroom smelled like rotting eggs
I'm guessing that everyone who comes here you like to see them beg...

There was no hot tub anywhere,
But by this time I simply didn't care.

Your beds here are hard as a rock,
I even found a roach hiding in one of my socks.

I couldn't get a cup of ice,
And it felt as if I was starting to develop a very bad case of head lice...

My hair was itching from front to back~
And I even threw up a few times in one of your sacks...
(it's under the pillow by the way)...

Your tv stations were all in Japanese...
All that I could say was, "Are you kidding me!? puhleesee!!!!!

I was constantly bothered by baseball games~
Don't kid yourselves allright, but I honestly don't see you all making it into the Baseball Hall of Fame... (I mean really...)

The heat there is just way too intense...
And your freaking country just doesn't make a lick of sense.

So I know that this comment you won't like one little bit...

hope you all enjoy being miserable here, there are other places in the world you know besides Japan...just look on the world globe... see ya...rock on...( with English songs of course...) ***** lol so okay, some of that stuff didn't really happen, I just thought it would be funny to make them worry some and freak out...I don't see myself doing that here in Alaska...there isn't one thing that I've found wrong with this place...for once they got it right where to send small towns, (Italy), no hot islands, (Japan), no rude, judgemental non-English speaking people, (Taiwan), and no freakin' backwards places either.... (Utah when we were moving here to Alaska).... :D

Friday, March 16, 2012

Great Thinking!!!!!!!!!!

sooo I guess that people should stop arguing with me on Facebook then!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Ask Me How To.....

Become A Professsional WHINER!!!!!!!!!!! I think that I got it covered!!!! ;D xxxxx

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What About LOVE!!!!!

So I totally finished the entire downstairs area...both living rooms, kitchen, behind the recliners, around the tv, downstairs bathroom, around the bottom of the stairs, a place for my cat, and hung stuff up as well..Now I've started on my Art room upstairs..I've stopped for today cause I'm exhausted...I whined enough and my husband finally gave in and went to go get me Subway...there's no way I'm doing anymore after what I've been through today!!!!!!!! hope to see and chat with you all soon....xxxxxxxx

Monday, March 5, 2012

Best Song Ever Featured On F*R*I*E*N*D*S...

we had all the great music!!! right Generation X'ers??!?! :D xxxxoxoxo

Great Song...

first song that I heard this morning...amazing!!!! when I can find it, I will put on here!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Never-Ending Snow Here in Alaska!!!!!

These are what the houses look like here what we are living in...I love it. This one is kind of hard to see cause it was taken from the street, but there is a garage somewhere there, I'm thinking on the right, and it's upstairs and downstairs. Yes, the snow is really that high here. It's completely piled up in the front like that and also in the back. It comes up to about my waist if I try and go in it, so I just go in to where it's about ankle deep so I won't get completely lost in it...I have never been around this much snow like ever. I have always lived and been in very very hot climates...I'm loving it here and am thinking about making Alaska my permanent home even after we have to move from here...And it's snowing again here...more driveway shoveling when we get home from the movies late tonight...At least I don't get stuck doing that!!!! see you all tomorrow...hope to get some pics on here this weekend!!!!

Just Plain FUNNY...

LOL ohhhh if ONLY life were this simple!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p