Thursday, February 16, 2012

Has Anyone Ever Watched The Show Called "Infested????!"

The Truth finally comes out!!!!!!! watch the video below and am I EVER grateful that I never had to go through that....yuk. that's all I've got to say about it...I got into watching that show one after the other that comes on Animal Planet on cable here whenever we were staying in the hotel until we were ready to move into our house...It's stories about people who move into a brand new house or apartment, going all the way up to one million dollars, and then finding out that their house is infested with something anything from rats, mice, bats, possems, bed bugs, fleas, ticks, poisonous spiders, anything that is considered a rodent or a pest. Okinawa Japan even made it on that show believe it or not, and I about fell off the bed...Only this was at the Marines Base next to us up the street. A family moved into one of those disgusting cement houses, and it wasn't long before TICKS started coming out of the walls and light sockets. They couldn't get rid of them, and had heat treatments done with chemicals that were so strong that it melted their stuff. So they were forced out, but that didn't surprise me at all because I said that it was nasty there, and I wasn't the only one who thought so. They sure kept quiet about that whenever I was there. I had a problem with ANTS, and told anyone that came across what they put us through acting like it wasn't a big deal at all. I didn't exactly like coming from a shower and finding ANTS crawling all over my luggage and other stuff whenever I got up in the middle of the night since the time difference was so gigantic...I'd get up and turn on the lights, and ants would be covering and crawling all over my bags, suitcases, everything...I've never dealt with dog ticks, but I wouldn't stand for that for a minute either...This is the best house that we have ever had, and I haven't found one bug or anything that resembles dirt anywhere around here and I plan to keep it that way...So I got more trash to tell about Okinawa...I told people endlessly that I wasn't making any of that up...I guess now they won't have much to say since that junk pile place is making it on national tv programs like "Infested."

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