Monday, February 27, 2012

I Just Moved Here...But I'm Ready For A Vacation...

Still Unpacking....

I put these pics on here cause I have/use every bit of this stuff even if it is for teenagers I haven't changed any of it and I'm way past being a teenager but still loveeee this style toooooooooo much!!!!!! too cute and too stylish for me to ever give up...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Anyone Ever Heard This Song??? It ROCKSSS!!!

I heard this awesome song on the 80's music channel on our cable this morning...I've never heard it since I was growing up in the 80's and music came and went so quickly...awesome somg though I really miss music like this!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Alaskan Freedom...

I've Been Outta Middle School Like Forever, & I Still Talk This Way....

One of the best commercials ever...even though I don't care a thing about what they are trying to sell...I still talk this way...seriously.... ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sad How Some People Would Actually BELIEVE This If I Was To Smart Off & Actually Say This....

I guess I'd better have my camera ready for their reaction then.... (huge eyeroll)

Monday, February 20, 2012

MY NEW E-MAIL ADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have tried and tried and tried for the past week to get into my former and I'm not sure what happened but I'm not able to log into that one or my yahoo messenger account at all...I just finished setting up new yahoo accounts for both so here is my new screen name to look for as well as my new email to keep in contact with me... I hope that I never run into this again cause it actually hurts to just give up an account like that... :P My name appears like this on Yahoo Directory..... SUZY Schneider...... xxxxoxox

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Good Night Sleep Tight Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good night everyone...I'm sooo tired...unpacking all weekend but it still seems like I haven't made a dent in any of this...going around the town of Anchorage, seeing 2 more mooses at the end of my street, dinner out the whole weekend long, and movies at the theatre in town almost every night now I just wanna sleep...My yahoo account is shot so I will set up a new one tomorrow...If anyone keeps sending me messages and I am not answering, then that is the reason why...I can't log into it!!!!!!!!! so sorry for all this confusion...hope to talk with you all soon... xxxxx

This Was One Of My Songs When I Was In Modeling!!!

Ahhhhhh, with Whitney Houston passing away, this only makes it harder and so much more sadder to hear this song now...When I was back home, and before we moved to Italy, I went every weekend to my modeling class...They would put on music of various artists and have us walk the runway one at a time...I rememeber it very clearly that this was one of our songs that we had to do that to...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Will Always Love You!!!

My greatest respects to Whitney Houston since her funeral was today...She has been one of my music idols since I was growing up in the 1980's...loved her voice and charisma...We miss you Whitney!!!!!!!!!!

Say NO To Fur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Has Anyone Ever Watched The Show Called "Infested????!"

The Truth finally comes out!!!!!!! watch the video below and am I EVER grateful that I never had to go through that....yuk. that's all I've got to say about it...I got into watching that show one after the other that comes on Animal Planet on cable here whenever we were staying in the hotel until we were ready to move into our house...It's stories about people who move into a brand new house or apartment, going all the way up to one million dollars, and then finding out that their house is infested with something anything from rats, mice, bats, possems, bed bugs, fleas, ticks, poisonous spiders, anything that is considered a rodent or a pest. Okinawa Japan even made it on that show believe it or not, and I about fell off the bed...Only this was at the Marines Base next to us up the street. A family moved into one of those disgusting cement houses, and it wasn't long before TICKS started coming out of the walls and light sockets. They couldn't get rid of them, and had heat treatments done with chemicals that were so strong that it melted their stuff. So they were forced out, but that didn't surprise me at all because I said that it was nasty there, and I wasn't the only one who thought so. They sure kept quiet about that whenever I was there. I had a problem with ANTS, and told anyone that came across what they put us through acting like it wasn't a big deal at all. I didn't exactly like coming from a shower and finding ANTS crawling all over my luggage and other stuff whenever I got up in the middle of the night since the time difference was so gigantic...I'd get up and turn on the lights, and ants would be covering and crawling all over my bags, suitcases, everything...I've never dealt with dog ticks, but I wouldn't stand for that for a minute either...This is the best house that we have ever had, and I haven't found one bug or anything that resembles dirt anywhere around here and I plan to keep it that way...So I got more trash to tell about Okinawa...I told people endlessly that I wasn't making any of that up...I guess now they won't have much to say since that junk pile place is making it on national tv programs like "Infested."

Japan Was Most Likely Being Thought Of Cause That Place Is FULL Of Stupid People...If You HATE Sushi, You're Harrassed Endlessly....NOT FOR ME!!!!!!!!

Just For Laughs...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm Determined To Get Caught Up On My Blogs!!!!!! I know that I'm too cheeky for my own good sometimes, but really that's just the way that I am, and none of my friends seem to have a problem with it...ahhhh I will get caught up on these blogs from the last 2 months, cause it's driving me crazy to be off like this!!!!!!!!!! sorry for all the confusion everyone!!!!!!!! cheers!!!!!! hugzzzzzzzzzz xxxxxxxxxxx

I'm Locked Out Of My Yahoo Account!!!!!!!!!!

hey everyone, what's going's been such a long time since I've been able to be on here on a regular basis, that I forgot my passwords to yahoo anything, and it's locked me out TWICE...Each time it told me that I have to wait 12 hours, so that's over 24 hours I have to wait for the thing to get back to normal...I'm not able to do anything, chat, email, nothing...I'm just glad to have internet at least, but it's not the same without the chatting part late at night here...Things are slowly coming together, and the boxes are slowly being unpacked and are slowly going away..I can't stand unpacking, and went and donated a ton of stuff today to others who would be more inclined to use it than I ever kitchen appliances and stuff like that I never touch...I'm thinking by the end of the month it will all be organized and everything and actually look like a home and not a storage structure...I've got both my laptop and my desktop in working order now...I"m tooo thrilled cause I was dying always having to find a cyber cafe cause they are junk here with so much radar and everything, and us being so far up they are so slow it makes everyone scream from frustration...Early early this morning, I saw my first moose here...eating off one of the trees here on base...It was funny to just see wildlife wondering around like that and acting so casual...I went and snapped a few pics of it and watched it for a few minutes...The only animals I've ever seen wandering around were dogs and cats and maybe a few squirrels...I hope to see more wild animals since it's like living in the wilderness here...I've really been loving it here...I had a pretty scary episode a few days back, but I'm fine now...I think it's just from the stress and the moving, so I'm ready to get settled for good where I don't have to worry about it anymore...ahhh tomorrow I'm too excited about...finally starting the process to go and enroll in University of Alaska Anchorage...their colours are GREEN AND GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Snow In Alaska!!!!

catch up

catch up

My Time In Alaska!!!

I've been up here in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska for a full week now...It's really hard to believe that we got here just a week ago, and the time has just flown...It seems like we have been here longer, cause we are behind in time difference...I haven't met one smart mouth or anyone who is overly cheeky (disrespectful).I've met a handful of people already from Oklahoma, who also can't stand the heat and just decided to stay up here as well...There is snow everywhere here, about waist deep..something that I have NEVER been around hardly at all...I've always been around or in very very hot climates, so this is all new to me...I love it though and don't regret coming here at all!!!