Sunday, May 13, 2012

5 Stupid Things I Saw Today....

5. Someone standing directly next to their truck talking non-stop while smoking a lighted cigerrete right next to the gas tank...

4. Looking out the window of my art building, I noticed some guy out in the parking lot working like crazy on his truck, bending down, running around all sides with a spray can, then running back, shaking the can etc...I finally caught on to what he was doing..he was spraying the tires with that stuff in the can to make the tires and hubcabs anyone cares about how your tires or your hubcaps look whenever you are going 60 MPH...

3.Someone else getting on a cell phone and on an annoying call, dishing out all this dirty laundry and trash gossip on others, and then gets mad when people around them are too loud or making noise whenever they are the ones who should leave to begin one wants to hear stupid phone conversations...esp. me!!!!!!!

2. I dread shopping more than anything else on the planet...I'm referring to grocery shopping...while waiting for one guy who is just taking a Sunday stroll as slow as he possibly can, I give him the evil eye to hurry up, he then passes me and looks over his shoulder completely confused like he had no idea why I was annoyed...maybe he needed to be backhanded to knock some sense into him and I'm sure the answer would then come to him real quick....

1. Total Idiot people waiting 2-3 hours just for a table at a restaurant, while the line is hanging out the door all the way into the parking lot and is about to start touching the parked cars...there are other restaurants in town ya know...this is Anchorage and not some dumpy place out in the sticks...some people just like to keep being stupid I guess...

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