Friday, December 23, 2011

I've Just Realized Something...

I've BEEN OUTTA OKINAWA, JAPAN FOR EXACTLY 1 WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR NOW!!!!!!!!! LAST YEAR, WE MOVED OUTTA THAT PLACE FOREVER AND OFF THAT DISGUSTING ISLAND ON 10TH DECEMBER 2010....I haven't missed it at all, and haven't even thought about that until now...That has been over 2 weeks ago, and I've been loving it being back so much in the United States, I haven't thought about everyone who is still over there stuck in total misery and never-ending depression...Not to mention, countless suicides, self hangings, and anything and everything that you can think of involving illegal drugs...Not for me, and I sooooooooo DO NOT miss that place at all...It's been one year exactly and I made it out of that dump ALIVE...I NEVER WANNA SEE THAT PLACE AGAIN!!!!!

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