So yesterday it was the dope guys grinding the stupid electric pencil sharpener over and over and over and over, and today it was a dope who wouldn't stop crinkling candy wrappers...It wasn't really candy wrappers, but gummy fruit snack wrappers...they are kind of like gummy bears but in shapes of fruit instead of shapes of bears..I get the exact same things cause I'm always gone and those things don't make a mess...Again, I'm in high concentration, it's like dead quiet being in the middle of the day...I go to where I THINK I won't be bothered, and then someone starts crinkling wrappers EATING non-stop when I am trying to organize my notes into certain categories, writing it to all out first, and the last thing I need is to hear someone crinkling one wrapper thing after another...They weren't even really studying, they were just sitting there eating...I was like OMG you are worse than those people at those fat camps or whatever they call them.....They would finish one and then open up another one and eat that one....I was about to go out of my mind cause I want DEAD QUIET when something sooo huge is riding on my shoulders, and don't want put up with someone else and their disgusting eating habits and making noises that seem small but are EXTREMELY ANNOYING.....Yess, I love Sun Chips as well, they are incredible....I have noooo idea what they did to the bags, something to make them more "environmental friendly" but listen to that noise!!!!!!!!!!! The smaller wrappers seem just as loud and are 10times more annoying than the big ones....Then, I found that other video where the guy that made that has got to be like Chinese, or Korean or Japanese something, becuase I lived around them forever, and that is EXACTLY how their English comes out, and it just sounds odd when they try and write it or speak it, and you can tell they aren't stong in the English language....I can't stand any of those noises either, esp. a screaming baby in the middle of the night.....no thanks, I'd much rather have my sleep....oh, and guys who go and ask me question like this>>>>> "am i good looking" on my facebook page in front of ALLLLLLLLL my friends on there, (and everyone else who knows me, my students that I've had in the past, all my bestest friends on here, people I have worked with,clubs, Animal Organizations, the base up in Alaska I am already connected with,I can't even think of everyone.....it just goes on and on and on and on cause I have noooooo problem at all making friends I just can't stand the ones with the attitudes or who refuse to SHOWER.....)so when they post me a comment like that, not only does it show me and the rest of the world that they are a pathetic NOBODY with not one little ounce of self-esteem and self-worth, but I also send it all over to my friends and put it all over here, and all we do it laugh about it until none of us can hardly breathe anymore...Not only that, but my eyes water and it looks like I'm actually crying whenever I'm laughing so hard that my stomach hurts for the next half hour.....So what more fun is it than to go along with something when really it's just the complete opposite.....I think this song oughta do the trick, huh!?!?!?! I don't know how many actually saw that, but I about died when I found it asking me something like that in front of everyone on here...sooo get ready for the laughs to begin everyone cause I just don't play that!!! and I need something new to laugh at anyways with all my friends before I leave for Alaska and all the phonecalls will be long distance once again.... :*(
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