Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Love Cape Cod Lighthouse!!!

We went to go and visit Cape Cod Lighthouse today...It truly reminded me of climbing the winding narrow stairs of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, when I was over in Italy....I've never been up a lighthouse before, so this was my first time...I"m not a fan of heights, so it was enough for me to get up the entire thing, then have to climb all the way back down, going backwards with other people in both directions in front of you, and behind you telling you not to hurry, when that is exactly what they meant for you to do...So if we go to anymore, I'll most likely be on the ground for most of it....I loved seeing it up close, and getting to experience how old it was being built back in 1857....we definatly don't have anything like that where I live back home so I love every bit of this stuff up here...we also passed a cemetary that was established in 1753, or close enough to that, it was in the 1700's...It's really hard to believe this stuff is still around with all the modernization that takes places now...It's more simple up here, and everyone tries their very hardest to stay close to the American spirit....There is an American flag in front of every home here just about, no matter what town you go to...Let's see, after the lighthouse experience, we all went sailing....beautiful time, and I met some of the most amazing people this world has in it...I will never be sorry for not staying in one place for my whole life...there is just too much out there to see!!!!!

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